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<br />
<br />i~; I., ill. August 21. 1996 ._
<br />1.1 . ~. ~' File: 520-052,30
<br />
<br />I lI\ilI.lili: [\1;1\[11\1 I
<br />
<br />1326EcecS1PocIO,;" Honorable Mayor and City Council I
<br />S1 Peul. MN 55108 City of Arden Hills
<br />612.WAJ89 1450 West Highway 96
<br />1800888,2923 Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 I
<br />
<br />b:612.6AHJA6
<br />
<br />Dear Mayor and Council:
<br />
<br />Enclosed is a copy of the final pay estimate for the referenced project. The amount I
<br />presented in the estimate is based upon the total construction cost of the project,
<br />$819,156.17, as agreed to by Midwest Asphalt, Inc, The amount of the fmal pay estimate I
<br />is $126,326,97 and this amount includes $36,464,69 held as prior retainage. As all
<br />punchlist work has been completed and the Contractor has agreed to a S 1,200 deduction
<br />.',' ,,,.'., from the total construct~on amount for the restoration of the Valentine Park parking lo~, I
<br />.. ,.: . MSA, Consultmg Engmeers recommends approval of the fma] pay estImate for thIs
<br />'. - project.
<br />
<br />If this pay estimate meets with the Council's approval, it would be appropriate to ..
<br />make payment to Midwest Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $89,862.28. This amount I
<br />reflects the total construction amount less the retainage indicated above, The retainage
<br />should be approved for payment as well; however, that amount should not be released to
<br />the Contractor until Minnesota Form IC-134 and Consent of Surety from the Contractor's I
<br />bonding company have been received by the Engineer.
<br />
<br />::' .'~
<br />Please contact our office if you have questions or require additional information regarding _
<br />d , ' this project. I will be present at Monday's City Council meeting to address any further
<br />concerns the City Council may have regarding this project.
<br />':":::'''':.3 _
<br />Sincerely,
<br />
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<br />Gregor~L.Sto ehouse, P,E, '
<br />
<br />OFFICES IN: GJS:tW:051.1109.aug I
<br />
<br />lh~NEAPOllS Enclosures ..
<br />
<br />STPAlIl cc: Mr. Brian Fritsinger, City Clerk/Administrator
<br />
<br />WASECA Mr. Terence Post, City Accountant
<br />Mr. Dwayne Stafford, Public Works Superintendent I
<br />An Equ:ll Opportl1llil)' Employer
<br />