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<br /> -- -------- --- --------- <br /> I <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 9. 1996 4 I <br /> Mr. Post suggested, since regularly scheduled Council meeting dates would not be available for -. <br /> budget hearings, scheduling the initial public hearing on Thursday, December 5,1996,7:30 P.M. <br /> at the Army Reserve Center; a continuation hearing (if needed) on Thursday, December 12, <br /> 1996, at 7:30 P.M. at the Army Reserve Center; and the adoption hearing on Monday, December I <br /> 16, 1996, at 7:30 P.M. immediately following the Council Worksession. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Hicks seconded a motion to adopt Resolution #96-51, I <br /> Adopting Truth in Taxation Hearing Dates and Location for Proposed 1997 Taxes <br /> Payable. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> E. Presentation by Youth Hockey Associations Regarding a Four-Sheet Ice Facility I <br /> Acting Mayor Aplikowski welcomed representatives of the Mounds View and lrondale Youth I <br /> Hockey Associations who were in attendance to make a presentation to the City Council <br /> regarding the four-sheet ice facility in Blaine. <br /> Mike Kreidler stated he has been the President of the Mounds View Hockey Association for . <br /> three years, a 10-year resident of Arden Hills and prior to that, a 10-year resident of New I <br /> Brighton. He explained the Youth Hockey Associations are asking for Council support for the <br /> four rink hockey arena to be constructed at the National Sports Center in Blaine. Mr. Kreidler <br /> reported the Hockey Associations will meet with Ramsey County Commissioners tomorrow and .. <br /> will propose they provide funding of $500,000 towards this facility. Mr. Kreidler stated they are <br /> optimistic about this request since last week, the Ramsey County Commissioners approved a $1 <br /> million donation for the southern rink being constructed in Highland Park. I <br /> Mr. Kreidler advised the Mounds View and Irondale Hockey Associations currently have <br /> $250,000 in reserves and if approved, discussion will occur between the Hockey Associations of . <br /> Mounds View and Irondale to establish an escrow account which could be used to assist funding <br /> any shortages annually should the entire 2,080 ice hours not be utilized. He noted the Hockey <br /> Associations have not asked local communities to make a contribution but, rather, to support the . <br /> project with the intent that if there is a shortage, it would be covered by the escrow account. <br /> Mr. Kreidler explained the National Sports Center Ice Arena is being financed through Anoka I <br /> County who will issue $7 million of bonds with participating municipalities being asked to sign <br /> on as guarantors. Each of the four entities will contribute a $500,000 down payment and the . <br /> National Sports Center will contribute $500,000 of Mighty Ducks grant money. If the Hockey <br /> Association is unable to use 2,080 hours per year, then the cost of$125 per hour (times number <br /> of hours not rented) will be divided between four municipalities (Arden Hills, Mounds View, I <br /> Shoreview, and New Brighton) on a per capita basis. Mr. Kreidler noted this project needs the <br /> support of all four municipalities, not for a financial contribution, but to sign on as a guarantor <br /> and encourage that Ramsey County will place $500,000 towards this project. I <br /> Mr. Kreidler provided historical data, in a letter, which included the number of ice hours and .. <br /> participants in the program. <br /> I <br />