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<br /> . FILE <br /> . <br /> tt AGENDA <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> . NEW BRIGHTON COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br /> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1996 7:30 P.M. <br /> . 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/RolI Call <br /> 7:30 P.M. 2. Approval of Meeting Agenda <br /> . 7:35 P.M. 3. Consent Calendar <br /> Those items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be <br /> . enacted by one motion under a Consent Calendar format. There will be no separate discussion of these items, <br /> unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the general order of <br /> business and considered separately in its nonnal sequence on the agenda.. <br /> . a. Approval of Minutes <br /> November 12, 1996 Regular Council Meeting <br /> . November 18, 1996 Council Worksession Meeting <br /> b. Claims and Payroll <br /> Ie 7:45 P.M. 4. Public Comments <br /> This is an opportunity for citizens to bring to the Council's attention any items not currently on the agenda. In <br /> . addressing the Council, please state your name and address for the record, and a brief summary of the specific <br /> item being addressed to the Council. To allow adequate time for each person wishing to address the Council, <br /> we ask that individuals limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Written documents may be distributed to the <br /> Council prior to the meeting, or as bench copies, to allow a more timely presentation. <br /> . 7:50 P.M. 5. Unfinished and New Business <br /> a. Planning Case #96-17, Arby's/Sbarro PUD <br /> . b. 1-35W Corridor Coalition Joint Powers Agreement <br /> c. South Water Tower, Second Inspection Request <br /> d. Community Survey <br /> . 8:15 P.M. 6. Administrator Comments <br /> . 8:30 P.M. 7. Council Comments/Department Activities <br /> . 8:45 P.M. 8. Adjourn <br /> . C)~. \\rJ-:J1~@ <br /> tI .~ <br /> The above times may vary depending upon length of issue discussion. <br /> . <br />