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<br /> I - <br /> I CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ~ MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: December 5, 1996 <br /> I TO: Brian Fritsinger, City Administrator <br /> I FROM: Dwayne Stafford, Public Works Superintendent is. <br /> SUBJECT: Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 1997 Street <br /> I Improvements <br /> . Backllround <br /> The City Council and Staff have reviewed the Feasibility Report for the proposed 1997 Street <br /> Improvements. Notices were sent to all affected residents, as required, informing them of an <br /> I informational meeting and a public hearing on the proposed improvements. Notices were also <br /> published in the Focus Newspaper for two consecutive weeks. <br /> I Informational Meeting <br /> An Informational meeting was held on Tuesday, December 3, 1996 at the Army Reserve Center. <br /> Approximately 40 residents attended this meeting. While the general issues raised at the meeting <br /> .. can be reviewed in the attached notes, the primary concerns of those residents attending the <br /> meeting were as follows: <br /> I I. Costs - how the assessment policy works. <br /> 2. Necessity - why do we need re-construction verses overlay or why do we need curb and <br /> I gutter. <br /> I 3. Sewer odors on North Hamline Avenue. <br /> 4. Scheduling - start and completion of job. <br /> I 5. Traffic control during construction. <br /> I Recommendation <br /> In light of the information provided by Mr. Post in his November 20, 1996 Memorandum on <br /> 1997 Pavement Management Program (PMP) Funding, Council should discuss the extent to <br /> I which the proposed 1997 PMP project be funded from Permanent Improvement Revolving (PIR) <br /> Fund Reserves. Council may recall that the scope of work identifIed in the Feasibility Report <br /> would result in a $152,300 project shortfall. <br /> I Based upon discussion and resolution of the above point, Staff would recommend the City <br /> ,. Council adopt Resolution #96-67 authorizing the preparation of detailed plans and specifications <br /> in the matter of the 1997 Street Improvement Project. <br /> I <br />