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<br /> <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> STATE OF IiAINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> ORDINANCE SUMMARY <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 296 FOCUS NEWSPAPERS <br /> CHAPTER 16 - PEDDLERS, SOLIC170RS <br /> ANO THANSIENT MERCHANTS <br /> On March 28, 1994 the Arden Hills City <br /> CouncA approved C1fdkmncs No. 296 which AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> . <br /> amends in Its antiraty Chepter 18 of the <br /> Arden Hills Municipal Code rolating to <br /> Peddlers. Tfie City Council by an aflirma- <br /> tive vote ot at least tour Councilmembers, STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br /> directed that a summary of Ordinance No. <br /> 296 be published in the Cily's oBiciai news- SS S ~ <br /> paper and that a printed copy ot Ordinance COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br /> No. 296 be posted on the City's builetin <br /> boerd and otherwise be made avaiiable <br /> ior inspection at the City oNices during regu- <br /> lar business hours. Richard Roberts, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the publisher or authorized agent and employee <br /> Ordinance No. 296 comains regulations <br /> relating to the registration, hou[s of opera- of the publisher of the newspaper known as the Arden Hills Focus News <br /> tion, exemptions and definitions of peddlers, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: <br /> solicitors, or transient merchanta who oper- <br /> ate within the City of Arden Hills. <br /> Effective Date: Ordinance No. 296 shall (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualirwd <br /> become effective on the day following publi- newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A_07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br /> cation of the Ordinance or any appraved <br /> Ordinance Summary. <br /> Adootion Date: Passed by the City (B) The pnnted Citv of Arden IIills - Public Notice - Ordinance Summary - Ordinance No. 296 <br /> Council of the City ot Arden Hills the 28th ChaDter 18 - Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants <br /> da oi March 1994. which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once a wcek, <br /> omas er P <br /> for 1 successive weeks• it was first ublished on Tuesdav <br /> Mayor . . <br /> ,Attest: the 19 day of April , 1944 , and was thereafter <br /> oroy. erson ' printed and published on every Tuesdav to and inclading the _ <br /> City Administrator <br /> (April 79, 1994) Arden Hills Focus News day of , 19 , and printed below is a copy of the <br /> lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind <br /> of type used in the mmposition and publication of the notice: <br /> abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz <br /> BY: <br /> T1TLE: Publisher <br /> Acknowledged before me on <br /> this 20 day of April , 1994 <br /> Notary Public <br /> C.OLLEftE 0.E2CIlER CJ~OA+E.2ti <br /> NOTARY P lIG - MINNESOTA <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY <br /> - 6Ny commleion exWreo 10-20-98 <br /> RATE INFORMATION <br /> (1) Lowest classiCied rate paid by commercial 51.60 <br /> users for comparable space. (Line) <br /> (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter. S.968 <br /> (I.ine) _ <br /> (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter. 3.77 <br /> (Line) <br />