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<br /> <br /> SENT BY:PETERSON FRAM BERGMAN ; 3-28-94 ; 4:22PM ;PETER50N FRAM BERGMA~ 4 <br /> <br /> <br /> W,1ri0I'1 11. f'c:'c:rSUri ~i 4L~U f~1idwe~t F~~ei~~l LSlklltiiilg <br /> Ic~rrrm<, I? 4 ill,i PETL . , >Q FdS# 1'Ihh ctr4't>t <br /> Uiullel WiCt Fram ~-i ~~r `_;l. I'c~ul, N},~i `,',iui ir~ <br /> ~_Iciii ,A <br /> i ii~~iNn-~an BL~RG~L V <br /> fCflt1 ~lirh.ui MillNr {itl))'~1~ R~)r <br /> IiinolhV I. II_~t~sNti° o ~ ~ ~ I:,i;t~ i r', :"tar-,irrtiiic <br /> iVli~f~ur•I'I. KcnrwLEi A. A[ni1uf11 f~~c•iu;n j:~ilv~r, C,i (:~aunsci <br /> MBrcki 28, 1994 <br /> <br /> Brian Fritsinger <br /> Comrnunity Developrnent Coardinator <br /> Ci.ty of Arden Hilis <br /> 1450 west Hignway 96 <br /> Arden H,il1 s, MN 55112 <br /> REs Propa$ed RegulationS <br /> Tra,nsient Merahants <br /> Our File No.: 10450/920001 <br /> <br /> Brian: <br /> <br /> The proposed xransient Merchant Regulations appear to be in <br /> proper legal form. I affer the following cornmgnts: <br /> <br /> 1. We spoke generally about the formatti_ng of the ordinance <br /> and how it would appear in tha Gity Code. Same of those <br /> changes can be made before the ordinance is published. <br /> 2. 'rhe busin$ss a£ Transient Merchants and Peddlers is <br /> generally viewed as interstat$ cammerce and, -therefore, <br /> citips are not allowed to assess licenso fees on this <br /> type of activity. Hawever, there have been cases in the <br /> State of Mfnnesota where the court has indicated that the <br /> City cai-i charge $n $dministrative processing fee if it is <br /> reasonable. <br /> 3. Th3s type ~f regulatinn should b$ applied unifartr~ally to <br /> al1 those peaple who sol icit door-to-c3oor in order tca <br /> meet constitutionaZ standards. Hourever, moQt cities have <br /> exempted certain categories similar to those contsined in <br /> Sectivn 18-07 of the proposed ordinance. Farm produGe is <br /> covered by a speci.fic; Mirinesota statute and can be <br /> excluded frnm the saliaitirlg regulatians. Garage ar <br /> estate sales ara excluded because thay are nat thought of <br /> as peddling ar soliCiting and are otnerwise regulated by <br /> the Zoning Code and/ar Sig,ri Regulaticyns. Most cities <br /> have exempted nan-prvfit vrganizations as lang as they <br /> follow soma type of registration prpcedure. It is <br /> difficult ta distinguish the Boy Scouts, Uirl Scouts, or <br /> other similar organizations from the "run-Qf-the-mill" <br /> solicitar and it may be legally difficult to support this <br /> type of provision although most oities #.ncl.ude these <br /> terms in their requlations. <br /> <br /> ~.~,l'. l, I ,',~:J ,11 .,1 M,~A ~~~.21"'1,P..k ,D J.:F, <br />