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<br /> in its operation to the part of the provision or application which <br /> . its directly involved in the controversy in which such judgement <br /> shall have been rendered, and shall not affect or impair the <br /> validity of the remainder of this chapter or the application <br /> thereof to the other persons, entities or circumstances. <br /> The provisions of Ordinance No. 296 shall become effective on the <br /> 20th day of April 19~ <br /> Passed by the City Council of the Cioy ::;r;1li- <br /> 28th day of March 19-2L. <br /> Thomas Sather <br /> Mayor <br /> Attest: <br /> Dof~~~~ City of Arden.H\IIs <br /> STATE OF_.;'I <br /> COUNlY OF_ <br /> 0RIlIIlAIlCE __ <br /> City Administrator ORDINANCE NO. ~ <br /> CHAPTER 'B. PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS <br /> AND i_NT -.::r:TS <br /> On March 2B. .1.... the At Hm. ~ <br /> Council opprowd ~ No.J 2B6_ <br /> aiMndl In il4 enti....y. Ch.~r tl of 1he <br /> . Arden Hilla MUtticiE:,1 Code IrelaUn, to <br /> ~. The City .....~.._. <br /> 1ive vote of at"'" lour Coim .th'MmbetA. <br /> directed that a summary of OrdJnance No. <br /> 296 be publlshed.!n theCily's cifficial news- <br /> paper and lnal a printed copy qf Ordinance <br /> No, 296 be posted on the Ci~s bulletin <br /> board and otherwise be ma' available <br /> for inspection al the City offices during regu.- <br /> lar business hours. i <br /> Ordinanee No. 296 containsil'8gulations <br /> ',elating to the registration. hours 01 opera- <br /> tion, exemptions and definitions ~f peddlers <br /> solicitors, or transient merchants who oper~ <br /> ate within the City of Arden HIlt..! <br /> ~IfAcIIVQ OatA" Ordinance No. 296 shalt <br /> become elfecliv8 on the day loll~wing publi- <br /> cation of Ihe Ordinance or any approved <br /> Ordinance Summary. <br /> Adootinn OFlIA' passed~. Ihe City <br /> Council 01 the City of Arden Hi Is the 28th <br /> dj 01 March 1994. <br /> nomas Sather <br /> Mayor <br /> At1oot: <br /> UUJUf~ 1"8"'" i;- I <br /> CilyA 1oIra.... ", <br /> (April 'B, 19II4J _ HIIoFe$u._ <br /> ,. <br />