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<br /> <br /> • - 0 1 <br /> Gouncil of <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ m ° Minnesota Council of Dog Clubs . <br /> ~ <br /> ?Cc~~ <br /> March 22, 1994 <br /> <br /> Dear. Arden fiiLls City Council Member: <br /> Ttie Minnesota Council of Dog Clubs. Inc. (MCDC) urites this letter on <br /> behalf of the responsible dog owners of Arden Hiils. We urge you not to pass <br /> the dog ordinance proposal that fs on the city council agenda for March <br /> 28th. We propose that this matter be tabied at this time to allow for <br /> consideration of the model ordinance developed by MCDC which we will <br /> provide to you withtn the next month. Ttie MCDC model ordinance accords fair <br /> and equitahle treatment to those responsible dog owners who are not the <br /> source of nuisance dog problems in any comrnunity. <br /> The mociel ordinance draws an thP data £rom and the experiences of <br /> comm!initfes with successful animal control programs. Effective programs 4,L <br /> target nuisance rproblems bland o hold owners Waccountable s£er etheir Cacpionsts Responsible <br /> Vpet owners and habbyists are nct Fenallzed by sii~plistic number limits that C I-C`' <br /> Lnfringe on their right9 to enjoy the companionship of their dogs. AIany of w " <br /> these hobbsist serve the communLty with tt!eir dogs as ambassadozs to <br /> sctiools, nurs.tng homes and commiinity service agencies. Maay of these dogs <br /> w:,rk Lri our communities as resc!te dogs and canine service dogs and their <br /> owners are activp in the breedi:ig 3nd training programs r.hat produce these <br /> useFul caciine citizens. <br /> The ptlppies r.tiat are raised by ho^by fanciers make the best pets as <br /> they have been bred for good temperament and health and they are <br /> carefutiy placed in responsible pet-owning homes. These fanciers work <br /> closely with each puppy's new family to educate them regarding their <br /> responsibilities as good dog neighbors. In this way, hobby breeders make a <br /> positive rontribur,ion to the community. <br /> It is ttie behavior of irresponsible dog owners that causes pronlems in <br /> any communtty, not the riumber of dogs per famll.y. We are aware of no <br /> egitimate, scier.tific studies linking tlie numbers of dogs per household <br /> with increased deg related problems in any communtty. Conscientious, <br /> kiiowledgeable dog owners can and do manage muZtiple dogs in their homes <br /> wi.t.hout catxsictg any annoyance to their neigtibors. Most fanciers keep <br /> multlple dogs to enahlA them to enjoy their chosen dog acCiv±ties to the <br /> fullest and these responsible people should not be penali.zed by an <br /> artificial number limit whicti wl.ll not solve the problems created by the <br /> i.rrespons;.ble owners of one or two dogs ttiaC allow thelr animals to roam <br /> and bark, defecate and destroy at will. We musC work togPther to wriCe ' <br /> faic and ?qUj.taU:? dog laws based oI1 accurate da±a that wIll penalize <br /> irrespor,sible dog owners withour ttle rights of those who va.Lue <br /> their dogs a!- r,ompanions and partners. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> P.O. Box 1333 ? Minnetokka, MN 55345 ? 612-227-2639 <br />