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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 7-30-90 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />CASE #90-08; <br />SIGN VAR. & PERMIT, <br />TRnIITY UJlliEIWl <br />CHUROi, 3245 NEW <br />BRIGHroN ROAD <br /> <br />Council was referred to the repxt of Planner Bergly <br />and Planning Commission Minutes dated 7-11-90,' and the <br />Board of Appeals Minutes dated 6-26-90, relative to the <br />request for a Sign Setback Variance and Sign Permit for <br />Trinity I.iltheran Church, 3245 New Brighton Road. <br /> <br />Planner Bergly ~lained the applicant is requesting a 5 ft. variance from <br />setback requirements for institutional signs. He noted there are two items for <br />=nsideration, a variance request and a sign pennit for an institutional sign in <br />a residential district; institutional sign requirements are somewhat different <br />fram business signs. He advised the proposal is to =nstruct a ground-mounted <br />sign at the site located on New Brighton Road, north of the fire station. Bergly <br />also pointed out the proposed location of the sign on the property and the <br />location of existing signs. <br /> <br />The Planner advised the Planning COmmission and Board of Appeals both recommended <br />denial of the requested variance based on the lack of identifiable hardship, the <br />fact there are other suitable locations for the sign that will meet the setback <br />requirements and may provide better visibility, and the lack of other signs in <br />the area =npeting for a driver's attention. <br /> <br />Bergly ~lained that the Planning COmmission recommended Council approve a Sign <br />Permit for a sign which meets the setback requirement, upon denial of the <br />variance request and the applicant's suJ::xnission of detailed sign construction <br />plans prior to installation. <br /> <br />Councilrnember Hansen questioned if a sign placed at the required setback will <br />move it too close to the church wilding. <br /> <br />The Planner stated there will still be sufficient distance if the sign is located <br />five feet closer to the J:uilcling, at the required setback. He ~lained the sign <br />will have good visibility to traffic approaching from either the north or the <br />south alon:; New Brighton Road. <br /> <br />Bergly ~lained there are two other signs on the property which are located near <br />this proposed sign location and may interfere with the sign if the variance is <br />granted . <br /> <br />Patricia Johnson, representing the church and Dr. Northwick, Pastor of Trinity <br />Lutheran Church, were present to discuss the application. <br /> <br />Johnson stated the main reason for up::lating the sign is due to growth programs <br />and the new sign will have a four-line reader l::card. She ~lained visibility is <br />an inJportant factor in promoting the new programs. Johnson pointed out the only <br />landscape:l area on the site is at the south end of the property ~ the north <br />portion is mainly parking area. She also noted the angular placement of the <br />wilding to the street contrib.1tes to lessened sign visibility. <br /> <br />Johnson advised the residents directly across the street from the church were <br />=ntacted and had no objections to the requested variance. She stated <br />Presbyterian Homes, on Johanna Boulevard, was granted a setback variance for a <br />sign for better visibility. <br /> <br />Dr. Northwick discussed the fXJWer poles which contrib.1te to lessened sign <br />visibility; the five foot variance will increase the visibility of the sign. <br />