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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 7-30-90 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />aJUNCIL 0H1ENTS <br />MISCELIANEX:lUS <br /> <br />Councilrnember Hansen advised she will be unable to <br />attend the Public Safety/W=ks Committee meeting <br />8/16/90. <br /> <br />RECYCLING UPDATE Councilrnember Hansen reported on the proposed reduction <br />of funds by the County to cities for recycling; suggested <br />residents be encouraged to pursue tax rebate for recycling. <br /> <br />Counci1member Malone commented the residents cannot request the tax rebate <br />individually; noted that the County is also proposing to eliminate the fees. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Berger stated Ramsey County should nake a decision regarding <br />this matter by August 18. <br /> <br />Council suggested staff place infornation regarding any changes in the Town <br />crier, after Ramsey County nakes a determination on this matter. <br /> <br />EASEMENT <br />ENCROACHMENTS <br /> <br />councilrnember Grave questioned if a response was <br />received regarding the easement en=oachment on Bussard <br />Court . <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Berger stated a letter was received from the resident by the <br />Building Inspector; Kriesel was asked to contact the resident by telephone to <br />insure clarification of any actions which my be taken by the city. <br /> <br />REQ. CLASS B <br />GTIl,R. GAMBLING <br />LIC, LT. BRIGADE <br /> <br />Councilrnember Mahowald recommended action be taken to <br />approve the application for a Class 13 license to operate <br />pull-tabs at the Blue Fox, for the Light Brigade. <br /> <br />Mahowald moved, secoooed by Growe, to approve the request <br />for a Class B Premises Permit, from the Light Brigade, to operate at the Blue Fox <br />Inn, effective the clay after publication of Ordinance No. 268. Motion =ied <br />unaniJrously. (5-0) <br /> <br />ADJOURN <br /> <br />Hansen moved, secoOOed by Growe, to adjourn the meeting <br />at 9:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Gary R. Berger <br />Clerk Administrator <br /> <br />'Iho.masR.Sather <br />Mayor <br /> <br />NOTICE OF MEETINGS <br /> <br />'Ihere will be a Budget Worksession Meeting held on'Ihursday, August 9, at 5:30 <br />p.m., at City Hall. <br /> <br />'Ihe next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Morday, August 13, 1990, at 7: 30 <br />p.m., at City Hall. <br />