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<br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 8-13-90 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Council1nember Mahowald expressed concenl re;JardirB' the <br />tilne-frarne for phasing of the project. <br /> <br />Dennis Foster explained the permanent structures will be constrocted as financing <br />permits; no definite tiJne-frarne. <br /> <br />CASE #90-09 (Cont'd) <br /> <br />Council and applicant discussed the access easement from Control Data <br />Corporation. <br /> <br />Foster advised the document for access was provided to the City on 8-1-90. <br /> <br />Council was referred to the report from Building Inspector Kriesel dated. 8-13-90, <br />re;Jarding an a=ess road for emergency vehicles; Fire O1ief Winkel and. Kriesel <br />agreed that a fire road should be installe:i on the south and. west sides of the <br />site, and along the area separating the north and. south structures. <br /> <br />Planner Bergly stated the applicant has agreed to install the fire road far <br />ao::ess and. work with the Fire O1ief on the road design. <br /> <br />Council con=e:i that this matter be delaye:i until such time as the Plarming <br />Commission reviews the exterior J:uilding materials for the permanent structure <br />and. the conditions outlined in the Planner's report of 8-1-90 have been addressed <br />by the applicant. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Malone move:i, secome:i by Mahowald, to table Case #90-09, <br />to the Regular Council meeting held September 10, to allow the applicant time to <br />address the concerns outlined in the Planning Commission minutes dated. 8-1-90 and. <br />sul:lnit information requested far Planning and Council review. Motion carried <br />unani1nously. (5-0) <br /> <br />CASE #90-10, MINOR <br />SUED. & VARIANCE, <br />HAMLINE AVE/AMBLE <br />lID, MEYER/MEDLIN <br /> <br />Council was referre:i to the Plarmer's report and <br />Plarming Commission minutes dated 8-1-90, relating to <br />the application far a minor subdivision of Lot 6, Borstad <br />Division and lot area variance for two of the three lots <br />proposed, James Meyer, Attorney for estate of Bernice <br />Medlin . <br /> <br />Planner Bergly advised the Planning Commission recommende:i approval of the minor <br />subdivision, conditioned upon the four items listed in the Planner's report of <br />8-1-90 and with an additional comition that the existing home on LDt A be raze:i <br />prior to issuance of J:uilding permits far aIr:! of the three lots. <br /> <br />James Meyer explained the applicant has agreed to all the conditions suggested, <br />however, he requested Council consider amerrling the condition relating to razing <br />the existing dwelling. Meyer advised the incli vidual proposing to purchase the <br />property intends to develop LDt C and requests razing the dwelling on Lot A be <br />delaye:i until such time as a OOilding permit is sought for LDts A or B or within <br />three years. <br /> <br />council questioned if the dwelling is vacant. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Meyer advised the house is vacant at the present time and the purchaser plans to <br />rent the home until such tilne as a new home is constructed on Lot C. <br /> <br />Council questioned why the applicant did not consider subdividing the parcel into <br />two lots which would meet ordinance requirements. <br />