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<br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 8-13-90 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DRIVEWAY (Cont'd) Clerk Administrator Berger reported on settlement <br />problems, which may be due to illlproper compaction by the <br />contractor. He explained that Engineer Peters from sm is checkin:r into the <br />problem and will report on the matter. Berger stated the City's contractor will <br />be responsible for costs associated with the settlement problems. <br /> <br />Malone moved, sec:orrled by Growe, that Council authorize <br />the payment to Dr. A1.bjerg in the amount of $2,065.00, for driveway rest=ation <br />work performed by his contractor in conjunction with the recent City illlprovement <br />on Oak Avenue. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />AP:roINIMENr; AD HOC <br />ECON<:MIC DEVLPMI'. <br />cn1MISSION <br /> <br />Council was referred to a memorandum fram the Clerk <br />Administrator dated 7-31-90, recommending appointment <br />of volunteers to serve on the Economic Development <br />Commission. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather recamrnerx:1ed appointment of the seven (7) in:1ividuals listed in <br />Berger's report; noted this will be an Ad Hoc Commission. <br /> <br />Mahowald moved, seconded by Malone, to ratify Mayor <br />Sather's appointments to the Ad Hoc Economic Development Commission, as listed in <br />the 7-31-90 report of Clerk Administrator Berger. Motion carried unanimously. <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DRAFT CmZEN <br />SURVEY <br /> <br />Council was referred to the memorandum from Clerk <br />Administrator Berger dated 8-9-90, regarding the <br />draft citizen survey prepared by Decision Resources. <br /> <br />Bill Mo=is, Decision Resources, was present to review the draft doc:ument with <br />Council and answer any questions. <br /> <br />Council reconunen:led several changes in the document and requested Mo=is amend <br />the d=ument for inclusion on the August 27 Regular Council agenda. <br /> <br />Council requested staff prepare a news release for publication in the Town Crier <br />and on the Cable TV channel advising residents of the upcoming survey and <br />requesting citizen cooperation. <br /> <br />R:Er,lUFST FINAL <br />PAYMENT; <br />BERGERSON-cASWELL, <br />KEM MILLING SITE <br /> <br />Council was referred to a report from the Clerk <br />Administrator dated 8-10-90, relative to the request <br />for final payment frOlll Bergerson Caswell, Inc., in <br />conjunction with work performed at the Kern Milling site. <br /> <br />Council1nember Malone and Mayor Sather recalled Bergerson Caswell agreed to bill <br />the City on a "time and materials" basis for the ent:ire project; requested time <br />and materials infonnation be fon<arded to Council prior to payment of final <br />statement. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Berger recalled Bergerson Caswell agreement to bill on a time <br />and materials basis if the amount was under the bid amount. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Council directed staff to request a time and materials document frOlll Bergerson <br />Caswell relative to work performed at the Kern Milling site, prior to approval of <br />final payment. <br />