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<br /> .. <br /> 3 a) A calculation is made of the total area, in acres, of property zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, <br /> . R-4, 1-1, 1-2, B-1, and B-2 within the City. <br /> b) A determination is made whether each individual property within these zoning <br /> classifications is developed or undeveloped. <br /> c) The total number of developed acres of property within these zoning <br /> classifications is calculated. <br /> d) The total acreage of developed property zoned as R-1, single family residential, <br /> is divided by the total acreage calculated in step c. This yields the percentage of <br /> total developed property that is zoned R-1. <br /> e) The City Council establishes, by resolution, the quarterly budget for the revenue <br /> to be generated. <br /> f) The portion of the quarterly budget to be charged against properties zone R-1 is <br /> calculated by multiplying the percentage found in step d. by the budget amount <br /> in step e. <br /> g) The rate per acre for property zoned R-1 is calculated by dividing the revenue for <br /> R-1 properties in step f. by the total acreage of developed properties found in step <br /> . c. This rate is the basis for all rates charged to any other zoned properties within <br /> the City. <br /> h) The volume of storm water runoff is calculated for all properties zoned R-I, R-2, <br /> R-3, R-4, 1-1, 1-2, B-1, and B-2. The methods used for these calculations follow <br /> the U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service guidelines for soil <br /> types common to Arden Hills. A curve number is chosen for each zoning <br /> classification, which is an approximate measure of the percentage of impervious <br /> surface on the property. The volume of runoff for each zoning classification is <br /> the calculated using the following equation. <br /> Q = CP-0.2S)2 <br /> P + O.SS <br /> Where Q = runoff, cfs <br /> S = (lOoo/cn) - 10, dimensionless <br /> P = 2, inches <br /> i) The runoff value calculated in step h. for R -1 properties is considered the base <br /> rate. The runoff value for each of the other zoning classifications is then divided <br /> by the base rate to yield a utility factor for each zoning classification. This utility <br /> . factor is a measure of the additional runoff created from the property as compared <br /> to a single family lot. The utility factors for each zoning classification are listed <br /> in the following section of this ordinance. <br /> ordin042 2 of 5 <br />
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