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V1JIVU11!K U! Y <br /> ,~LI ~ 1 U 1 • L L l LI~JV! ~ l Ritl11 LJLI\U111a`11 \ r V-:: V-Jc: + 1 1• !;!(1/ ! L L~ 1 LIIJVI Y L R:i111 ULl\UlYJ.Y- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> S'Y'ATE OF MINNES(JTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> , CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br /> ORbZNANCE N'0. <br /> <br /> AN QRDZNANCE ESTABLISHING A CITYWIDE DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM. <br /> <br /> The Arden Hills City Cdunci], ardains that Sectiori XIV(D) is hereby <br /> added ta Appendix A of tl'xe 14rden Hills City CQde tp read as <br /> fo].Yows: <br /> Section B. Citywide Developmont Morstorium <br /> <br /> 1. The City of Axden Hills is conducting studies and will <br /> hold gubl.ic hearings £or the ptxrpasa of considering <br /> cornprehensive amendments to its zoning regulations. <br /> 2. PEnding the completion of public hearings and the <br /> adoption af amendments to its zoning regulations, the <br /> Arden Hills City CounciZ has determined that it wauld be <br /> in the publ.ic's interest to impose a Devesopment <br /> Moratorium on all praperty within the City af Arden <br /> H111S. <br /> 3. There is hereby imposed a Develppment Moratorium puxsuant <br /> to the xevisions of M5 462.355, Subd. 4, on ali property <br /> within.the City of Arden Hills. During the periad of the <br /> Moratorium, the deve].opment of praperty shall be <br /> restrieter_i as fol.loWS: <br /> a, property shall not be subdivided, <br /> <br /> h, new struqtures shall naL- be constructed ar'i <br /> prQperty. <br /> <br /> C. building additions to existing structures and <br /> expansions of existing uses fln propex'ty sha11 nat <br /> be allowad unZess the addition or expansion is in <br /> camplianco with the prbposed amendments to tha <br /> City's zoning regulatians as determined by the Ci.ty <br /> Council. <br /> d. a Cotistruction aCtivity within an existing <br /> structure, which wauZd not otherwise require City <br /> Counoii review, will be allowed provided that such <br /> improvements are undertaken in cornpliance with the <br /> ourrent zoning regulations and the prop4sed <br /> amendmen,ts thereto. <br /> 4. The Development Mdratorium shall cornmence on the day <br /> foYlowing the publiCation of thi, 4rdinance and shs11 <br /> 1 <br />