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<br /> STATE OF MINNESQTA <br /> COUNTY OF IiAMSEY ' <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 286 ' <br /> IlN OpDINANCE RELATING TO TNE SCAVENGINC3 <br /> OF RECYCLABLE MA7ERIALS. <br /> The Arden Hiqs City Council here4y ordains that Ar- <br /> ' tiCle 111, SeCtiOns 11 •22 to 11-25 and iheir subdivisions <br /> ~ are hereby added to the Arden Hills Gity Code to read <br /> ae} follows: <br /> l11. UrnuthoHZed Collaetlon of Reoyclabk AAeterlals. <br /> 111-22. PurpOts. The C'dy oS Arden HiUS has contracted <br /> wlth e aerWCe provider fqr the cadlection of recyclable <br /> I meterlals and has otherwise fmplementetl a recycling <br /> program wtthin the City. The Ciry's abiliry to maintain <br /> favaable contrects depends, in Rert, upon the volume <br /> bi recyclable mafe?Fds wMNch are p4aced ori curbside <br /> 1 by Arden HiNs reSidents..The unaWhoiized collection <br /> ! or "scavAnging" of recycleble metenals wiH rAduce the <br /> I voWme avaflable hu-Cdlection aa Pa[t 4f the dasigneied <br /> i recyc11n8 Progrem..5cavenging alsa causes confusion <br /> amon9 participeting resideMa and thereby disrupts the <br /> i publicify end eCucationel processas of an authorized <br /> ~ pragram. 7he purpqse of tfis article is to ensure that <br /> ; e designated recycting program will be implemenied <br /> in an orderly tashion ro avoid adverse affects on the <br /> I public heaHh, wrelfare, safe4y e1W; envtronment <br /> 11-23. DsflnRions. <br /> (a) "Auihorized or Designated Recyclirrg Program" <br /> ~ shall meen e progrem for-the Oollgction andrecycling <br /> of the recyclable materials which, ig instituted, spon- , <br /> sored and/or apprOVed by the Ciry of ArCen Hills. <br /> (b) "Racycleble Materials".shaN mean items of refuse , <br /> which are paA of an autliorue0 recyciing program ot <br /> wh)ch are inferMed for trensportation, prpcessing, and , <br /> manufacturing qr re-use, including but rrot limited !o, <br /> ' paper, gless, aluminum, and other. metal cans and <br /> ' containers. <br /> (c) "Scavenging" shell mean the unauthorized coh <br /> ! lection of recyclable meterlels that have been set out <br /> by resideMS of the City specificalry for collection as part <br /> of an authorizad or designated recycVing program. - <br /> 11-24. Ormerallhip.Ownership ofreCyclable materials " <br /> set out fa the purpose ot panicipaiing in a curbside <br /> recycling program sAAN remain in the person or <br /> household irom whicti tha materieds originated unW ca- <br /> IeMed by en auurorized cdleCtor. 4von remwal by trre City a its tlesignated agent or contraqor trom a <br /> designatAd collection.pant, uwnership of properly <br /> preparad antlstored recyclable materials intencied (or <br /> a Ciry euthorized collection,program shall be vested ~ <br /> in ttre authorized collector. Materiels not preperea, <br /> deaned, or stored 8ccording to City 6peoifiCations shall <br /> remain the responsibiliry and properry of the individuels <br /> w households from which the materials originated. <br /> Nothing in this Article shall abridge ifie right W eny in- <br /> dividuat togive or s911 their recyclable matenels to any <br /> approved recyclebYe materiats progrem. <br /> 11•25. ~M~ted Cplllctlon. 1t shall be uni8wfuf tor any whu is not authorized by the Gity to take <br /> or collect recycladle materiels set aut fbr an authioriz- <br /> ed a designated rsfl}+cling program wllhin th9 Ciry. : <br /> Effsctlva Date. This ordinance shall become eHec- ' <br /> tive on the 70th dsy ot June, 7892. <br /> Atlopttai DMS, Passed by the City Council of the <br /> City of Arden Hills the 26th day,of May, 1992. <br /> !sl Tbomes Satber <br /> Mayor ' <br /> ATTEST: /s/ Catherine lago <br /> Acting Cle?k <br /> (BuHetin: Jurre 10, ,1992) <br />