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<br /> <br /> <br /> ' Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 12/09/91 <br /> , <br /> Page 4 ORD (Cont'd) David Burris, Administrator of the Ramsey County Nursirig <br /> Hame, outlined the riursing hame programs which az'e funded <br /> by contributions fram the Concordia Siriging Society. He favored the amenc3nent to <br /> the Trade Area definition, based on the fact the fund.s received fram Concordia <br /> Singing Society provide beneficial programs to nursing home residents and reduce <br /> the tax rates for Ramsey County residents by loweririg the operating budget. <br /> Burris ind.icated approximately $100,000.00 is contributed to the nursing home and <br /> that without the funding from Concordia, several nursing hame programs would <br /> probably be eliminated. <br /> Councilme.mber Hicks indicated the records show contributions in the amount of <br /> $69,000.00 and questioned if the monies were raised at the An3en Hills bingo <br /> operation. <br /> Burris noted the contributions from Concordia for 1991 are lowex than previous <br /> years, based on the Arden Hills regulation that monies be spent within the trade <br /> area. <br /> <br /> Cliff Aichinger, Treasurer of St. Paul Turner's, and Russell Goocbman, President, <br /> wexe present. Aichinger stated the proposeci language c.iange only e-vpands the <br /> trade area to other,govexrnnental entities in RanLSey County. He encouraged Council <br /> to considex expanding the area furthex to benefit all residents of Ramsey County. <br /> Aichinger explai.ned that the Arden Hills bingo operation is visited by pexsons <br /> from the entire metropolitan area. He advised that ftuxls raised at the hall by <br /> T~.irner's have gone directly to benefit youth from an extensive area. <br /> Aichinger explained the State Charitable Gamblirig Board has sanctioned the use of <br /> funds from the bingo operation for construction of the new building to house <br /> Tuzner's organization, based on the fact the organization directly benefits youth <br /> by providing athletic activities. He indicated that Turnex's has the ability to <br /> prove that the program provides direct benefit to youth/residents in Ramsey <br /> County at the 50 pexcent amount, hawever, to show the direct benefit to the City <br /> of Arden Hills would be difficult. <br /> Aichinger noted that Turner's has attenpted to provide prograimning in this area, <br /> howevex, the organization does not want to conpete with other programs offered in <br /> the northern sulxirbs. He propased CAUncil consider amendirig the language to <br /> define the trade area to include organizations that benefit the youth and or <br /> residents of Ramsey County, rathex than exclusively gove.rnmP_ntal entities. <br /> Russell Goodman, President of St. Paul Tkzrner's, provided written camments <br /> relating to the proposed amenchn~nt. He requested Council consider expanding the <br /> txade area concept to include Ramsey County, but not limited to goven~anental <br /> entities. He noted that a resident fram Rosevi}.le, who is a participant in the <br /> Turner's proqram, recently won top gymnastic honors at the high school level. <br /> Frank Belga, represe,nti.rxf St. Mary's Rcmariian Churclz, stated the biixJo operation <br /> provides benefits to meinbexs of the church whiclZ is located i.n Ramsey County. He <br /> suggested the amerdnent to the trade area include language which includes all <br /> organizations in Ramsey County that meet the State "lawful purpose" definition. <br /> <br /> Mayor Sather recamnended this matter be scheduled for discussion at a Worksession <br /> meeting in Januaiy. <br /> Deputy Clexk Iago explained the delay may affect the renewal process for one or more of the organizations; noted the State Gamuzg Board requires the application <br /> <br /> be sukariitted 60 days prior to renewal. <br />