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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 281 <br /> AN ORDINAFICE RELATING TO <br /> PUBUC USE DEDICATIONS <br /> The Ardsn Nllls CNy Councq hereby adelns that ~ <br /> Sectlons 22-9, 22-9(a), 22-8(b), and 22-9(b)(1l <br /> through and Ineludlhg 22-9(b)(6) of tha Arden Hllls <br /> Nlunfcipal Code, a?e hsrebY amended to reed as <br /> tollows: <br /> Section 22-9. PubNC U8e Dedleatlons. <br /> (a) Streets, Utllkles end Sto?m Water. The <br /> developer of e parcel of land shall dediCete to Ihe public <br /> ell streets, sew9rs, electric, gas, arW water faCilities; <br /> storm water drainaga and holding ponds; and similar <br /> utilities antl improvemerns, as reasonably required Gy <br /> tbe City Council, in order to integrate the proposed <br /> development with the Ciry's current and anticipated <br /> utiliry systems. The area to be dedicated lor public use <br /> shall be delineated on the proposed plat or othervvise <br /> conveyed by easement ]o the Ciry prior to the issuance <br /> of any development permits. <br /> (b) Recreatlon and Conservetlon. Based upon a <br /> review of its Comprehensive Plan and utilNy systems, <br /> the Gity Council has determined that all development <br /> of proparty within the City will place a greater demand <br /> on the City's need to acquire land tor parks, <br /> playgiourxfs, trails, wetlands or open space if the Ci- <br /> ty's physical environment is to be preserved and <br /> enhanced. 7herefore, in addition to the dedications re- <br /> quired by Section 22-9(a), the developer of a parcel of <br /> lend shall dedicate to the public for use as parks, <br /> , playgrounds, trails, wetlands or open space, a <br /> reasoneble percentage of the tract to be developed. In <br /> determining the percentage of detlicaiion, ihe City <br /> Council shall take into consitferation the amount of <br /> open spac9, park, recreatlonal or commons areas and <br /> faCilities which the developer has designed into the pro- <br /> pased development for use by occupants of the <br /> development. The Ciry Council she0 be guided by ihe <br /> following criteria in establishing a particular percentage <br /> dedication requirement: <br /> (t) ResldeMlal Projects. <br /> Gross Density In Pereentage <br /> Dwelling Untts per Acre Dedication <br /> Oto2 6% <br /> Over 2 to 3 7°h <br /> - Over 3 t0 4 8% . <br /> In excess of 4 - 10% . . <br /> (2) Non-Resitlentlal Projects w CombinaNOn <br /> pesidentlal and Commerclal Prolects. The percen- <br /> tage of dedication for non-residentiai projects or com- <br /> pination residential/commercial proJeds shall not ex- ~ <br /> ceed 10°rb. - <br /> (3)Dellneatfon o1 Area to be Detllcated. The area <br /> - to be dedicated for recreation and sonservation uses <br /> shall be delineeted on the proposed plat or otherwise <br /> conveyed by easement tn the Cily Prior to the issuence <br /> of any development permits. (4)Cash in Lisu ol Dedlcation. In lieu of the tledica- <br /> tion of land for recreational and conservation purposes; <br /> the City Council may require the developer t0 pay to <br /> the City, as an equivalent contribulion, an amount in <br /> cash equal to the percentage of ihe land required to - <br /> be dedicated, muttiQlied by the fak market value. of the <br /> property at the time of final approval of the develop- <br /> ment application. The fair market value of the proper- <br /> ty shall be determined by reference to current appraisal <br /> data or sales information. When appraisal data is utiliz- <br /> ed, the developer shall reimburseYhe Ciry for the cost <br /> of the appraisal prior to the issuanCe of any tlevelop- <br /> ment permits. <br /> (5)lnstallment Peyment. The Ciry Council, at ds op- <br /> tion, may permit the developer to submit 2l3rds of ihe <br /> cash equivalency payment over a periotl of time pur- <br /> suant ro an Installment Payment Agreement approved <br /> by the City's attorney. The Agreement shall require the <br /> payment of interest on ihe unpaid prtncipal; shall re- ~ <br /> quire final payment within eighteen (18) months; and <br /> shali require security for the unpaid principal partion <br /> thereof, The City may withhold developmeM or building <br /> permits tor any portion of the project it the developer <br /> does not comply with the terms of the Installment Pay- <br /> ment Agreement. <br /> (6) Restdction of Use of Cash Contributions. All <br /> cash contribuiions received by the City pursuant to this <br /> provisian shall be placed in a special fund and used <br /> only tor the acquisition of land for parks, playgrounds, <br /> trails, wetlands or open space; for development of ex- <br /> isting parks, playgrounds, trails, wetlands or open <br /> space areas; or tOr debt retirement in connection with <br /> land previously acquired for such purposes. <br /> The Arden Hills City Couneil hereby ordains that <br /> SecGona 22-5(d)(7) and 22-9(b)(7) of the Arden Hills ' <br /> Municipal Code are hereby repealed. <br /> Effective Date. This ordinance shall he etFective the <br /> day following its publication. <br /> Adoption Date. Passed by the City Council of the <br /> Ciry o( Arden Hills-the, 13th of May, 7991. <br /> /s! Thomas Sather <br /> AAsya <br /> A7TEST: <br /> /s/ Oary R. Berger <br /> Administrator <br /> (Bulletiw May 22, 1991) <br />