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<br /> <br /> STATE OF MtNNESOTA <br /> COUN7Y OF RAMSEY <br /> CItY OF ARDEN Ii1LLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 280 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CAq~E <br /> TELEVISION Ffi1?MCHISE REOULATIC~l3 Ff~ TNE <br /> C17Y OF ARDEN HILLS. ~ <br /> The Arden Hills City Council ordains that Sections <br /> 11.8, 111.4, 111.5(B), III.S(C), III.S(D), 111.8, 111.10, VI.4(E)(4), <br /> VIS(B), VlIf:4(C)(7), VIII,S(A), and XIV.2(C) of Appen- <br /> dix B of the Arden HIAS Ciry Code relating to Cable N- <br /> Franchise Regulations shall be amended to reed; and <br /> Section III.S(E) of such regulatians shall be added to <br /> read as follows: -$ection 11.8. All notices, reports 4r demands required <br /> to be given in writing under thisfranchise shatl be Sectlon ,111.70. TAe standard VHF Channel 6 is <br /> deemed to be given when delivered personally to any hereby deeiQnaW }w uniform regional channel usege. E <br /> oHicer of Grantee or City's Administrator of this Fran- Use of tlme on the reglonal channel shell pe me0e + <br /> chise or 48 hours afler it is depo@rted in the United available'without cMarge. ` <br /> States mail in a sealed envelope, with registeretl or cer- Section d1.4(E)(4). 7opics which may be discussed <br /> tified mail posFage prepaid thereon, eddressed to tha 'at any evaluatian session may include, but not be <br /> . party to whicb tbe notice isbeing given, as iollowsr limited to,'-servlce ratn slructures; franchise fe8; <br /> If to City: City of Arden Hills penafties; free or discounted aervices; applicatfon of <br /> City HaN new techrwlogies; :system performance; service provid- : <br /> 1450 West Highway 96 ed; programmirlg oHered; customer compleints; " <br /> Arden Hills, MN 55712 privacy; amendfnents to this Franchise; judicial and If to Grantee: Cable N North Central FCC rolings; line eMension policies; and GraMee or Ci- <br /> 934 Woodhill Drive . ty RuleS. Rosevflle, MN 55113 Sectlon VI.5(B). GrBntee may be approqed; and this . <br /> ATTN: System Manager Franchise or modification to it may be renewed; by Ci- <br /> Such addresses may be changed qy either party ty in accordance with tAen existing rules of the FCC, <br /> upon noticeio the other party given as prDVided in this the State of Minnesota, the Cky and gll otlier appNCable <br /> Sebtion lews, ordinances, rules or regulations: <br /> Section 111.4. The Grantee shall constvuct, maintain Sectfona VI11.4(6)(7), Far failure to provide the ser- ; <br /> and continue to provide ap facilities and ec}uipment sei vices Grantee has proposetl, including but not limited ` <br /> forth in the Ottering inaluding, but not liluited to, the to the implemeMation and the utilization of the access , <br /> headend, hubs, disiribution system, and other facilities. channels entl compl'iance wRh the ResWulfon Trensfer- ' <br /> Grentee's plan as set forth in the Oflering, for im- ring Community Programming Resporisiliilities From , <br /> plementing the construction, utilization, Sy,Slem perfar- Group W Cabie o}'the North Suburbs, Inc. d/Wa Cable <br /> mance, and inaintenance of these faciliti,, including TV Norih CeMral and Amendment Agreerneni No: 2, ' <br /> its plans for accommodating future growthand chang- the penalty shall be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per <br /> ing needs and deSireS, shall be fully -,gnd timely day for each dey, or pert.thereof, such failure occurs <br /> performetl. or continues. <br /> SeoHon 111.3(B). Grentee will prwide an eudio/video ' Sectlon VIII.S(A). At the commencement of this fran- <br /> emergency alert override System that will p mit the in- chise, flnd at all times thereaRer until LRrantee has li- <br /> ferrupfion by designaied City otficials of al sudio (in- quidated all of its obligafions witb Gity, t',rantee shall <br /> cluding FM) and video programming, ytastructing maintain with Cky a bond in the sum of FiRy ThousanB <br /> citizens where to switch for er~lergency Dollars ($50,000.00), which shall be replgnisbable and <br /> announcements. ' increased to Two-Huntlr9d Fifty Thousand <br /> Sectlon lII.S(C): Grantee sball provide at least thir-' ($250,000.00) in the sole discretion of Ciry, in such form <br /> teen (13) channels for Sccess use for the following uses: ' and with such' sureties as shall be acceptable to City, <br /> two (2) public aCCess, en educational access, a govern- , condNioned upon the faRhful performance by Grantee <br /> ment accesS, one (1) leased access, a local origina- of tM3 FranChise,2int1 the acceptance hereof given by <br /> tbn access, a religinus access, a special needs access, Grant¢e end upon Ihe further condNiort thffi in the evert • <br /> a librery access, a higher education access, a com- Grantee shall fail to comply with any law, ordinende or <br /> muniry access, and two (2) public school district access regulations, there shall be recoverable jointly and <br /> channels (hereinafler "access channW'). All residen- Severally trom the principal and surety of the bond, any <br /> tial subscribers who receive all or any parf of the total , demages or losses suHered by City as a result, in- <br /> . services offered. onthe System shall also receive all : 'cluding the tull amount of any compensation, indem- <br /> ot said thirteen (13) access channels at no addRional 'nification o* cost of remmal 01 any property of Grarnee, <br /> Charge. All channels activated upon System , innluding a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees <br /> 9ctNatiom and thereafter maintained. and costs (with interest at two percent (2Mo) in excess <br /> Ssctlon II1.5(D). The City anU its designee shall have ' of tFre then Prime Rate), up to the full amount of the <br /> ~complete antl unrestricted access to the 8ccess chan, bond; and which bpod shoA further guarantee payment <br /> nels, however, ihe GraMee shaH have full reSponsibility: byGrantee of all cleims and liens againsE City ar any for the maiMenance, repeir, and technical performancepublic property, and taxes due to City, which arise by <br /> of the cable and related active and passive electronics reason of the wnstiuction, operatron,.maintenance ar <br /> which carry said access channels (exclnding all equip- use of the Sysfem. <br /> ~'ment owned and operated by the City or the Norlh , SectlOn XIV.2(C). The.Offering shall be permanently 'Suburben Cable Communications Commission). The kept and tiled in the Office of the City Clerk- <br /> VHF spectrum shall be used for at least ane of the Administretor and the origirials or reproductions thereof <br /> specially designated non-commercial public access shall be available for inspection by the puWic during <br /> ehannels required unless specificalty waived Gy the Ciry normal busirress hours. . <br /> or its designee. No charges shall he made for channel ; The Arden Hllls Clty Cbundl ordains that 8ectiens <br /> Yme or playback of prerecorded programming on ac- ' 1145(D)(1) through 111.5(DN3), IX.1(B)(2ud), and <br /> cess channels except the le$sed aceess channel which XIV,2(C~f ) through XIV.2(C)(8) of Apper~c B of the <br /> 'shall remain in the exClusivb control of GraMee. A1den Hllls G[y Code releting tp ((able Ty Fmnchise <br /> ` Section 111.5(E). Whenever any of the access cban- RegutaGons are hereby npealed. <br /> 'nels is in use during 60 peroent of She weekdays Efleetive Date. This aidinance shall be effective the <br /> (MOnday-Fiiday), for 80 percent of the time during any day following its publication. <br /> consecutive three hour period for six weeks running, Adoption Date. Passed by the City Council of the. <br /> `ahd there is demsn4l for use 76f an additional channel Ciry of Arden Hills the of 4ri1,:1991.'- , <br /> for the same purpose, Grantee shall then, have six /s/ Thumas SatheY <br /> moMhs in which W provide a new specially designaled Mpypr <br /> "ao4ess channel for the same purpose at no additional ATTEST: Gary R. 8erger % <br /> cost So subscribers. Administretion <br /> Sectlon 111.8. The System servicing the Cities of (Bulletin: May 8, 1991) <br /> Arden Hills, Falcon Neghts, Lauderdale, Little Canada, <br /> Mounds View, Plew Brighton, North Oaks, Roseville;, <br /> $t.'Anthony, and SFroreview shall be completely inter- <br /> eonnected. GraMee will cemply with all present and <br /> future laws regardip9 interconneFtion of systems, and <br /> - will Cooperate with etry agencies or utiHties involved with <br /> jnterCOnnectlon. At such times as interconnection is re- <br /> ';quhad, Grarttee sMeO eecariiplish this wNhout additbnal <br /> charge to subscribers. System shall be initially co`n- , <br /> structed so that other systems now or hereafter coo- <br /> structed in any area adjacent to System or within the <br /> metropolitan areg (If technologically.feasidle) inay be <br /> intercopnected with System upon request vf City and <br /> apreement with other System's Grantot antl Cable <br /> Com~arr my 'llxante,e~w r~,yeoqreahicaPi~c9ntiguous' ~ <br /> syst6s they shall be Cnteiconnected wdh Sy91em upon <br /> A1,quesRot,Cily in ,~,gitya~q!!s and to such ex;ent sucHiconneLtlon'isYecfmiCSliy and economically feasi- - <br /> ''~le. Gi9ittit NhaY'f interdinnect chaqiiiii*#wignmed <br /> by City with bhannols of other systems in all cases in <br /> which other sy5tem(g) irMicate in wnting a desire to pro- <br /> vide an adeQuals, ahWa of fecilitie5 and budget for such <br /> interconnection. ln any event, both parties to this agree- <br /> ment desire interponnection of the system to the , <br /> greatest extent of technical and economic feasibility. <br />