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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEV <br /> CITY OF. ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 276 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THEESTABUSH. <br /> MENT AND DUTIES OF THE ARDEN HILLS PLANN- <br /> ING COMMISSION. - <br /> The Arden Hils CitJ CQunCiI ordlilns thai <br /> Section. 20.16, 20-18, and 20-24 of the Arden Hills <br /> MunldpalCGde..... hIqby.AmencbKl; end SectIons <br /> 2O-24(A) and 118 wbdtvlstons and 2O-24(B).re <br /> hereby Added to the Anhn Hills Municipal COde to <br /> r~a. Mlo..: <br /> Section 2Q.16. Appointment. AI the lirst Coun_cil <br /> meeting at the calendar year, the mayor shall appoint <br /> a Planning Commission consisting of seven (7) <br /> members subject approval by a majority vote 01 the en, <br /> tire Council. <br /> Seelion 20-16. Tenn.. Thelerm ofe8th member of <br /> the Planning Commission shall be for the calendar year <br /> _of the balance thereoflollowing the member's <br /> appointment. " _ <br /> Section 20-24. Powers and Dutles. <br /> A. The Planning COmmission shall fulfill the functions <br /> Ollhe City's Planning Agency and Its Board of Ad- <br /> Justment> and Appeals: II shaH exercise the duties con- <br /> ferred on it. by 1M Ci,ty ,Council and shall have the <br /> powerS preScribed lor such agencies and boards pur. <br /> lluanl.lo M.S. 462.351.lhrough 462.364, as amended, <br /> lfIcluding but not Ilmlled to the following: <br /> 1. CompI'ehenstve P*I. The Planning Commission <br /> sl\aJl PfElP're the Cily's comprehensive municIpal plan, <br /> periodically rev~ the plan and make recommenda- <br /> tions to the City Counc:il regarding the adoption or <br /> amendment 01 the plan. <br /> 2, Publk: Property. The Planning Commission shaH <br /> review lhe proposed public acqUISitions and disposals <br /> Of real property; proposed public imrpovements teresl <br /> property; and shalla4vlse lhe City Council In writing <br /> whether such acquisitions, diSpOSals or improvemems <br /> are In compliance wilh the City's comprehensive plan. <br /> Faill,lre of the P\a(1ning Commission to report on the <br /> proposal within 45 days after referral by the City Council <br /> (ltwilhln such othe( reasonable period as may_be <br /> designated by the City Couocil shlllll be deemed to have <br /> satisfied this review requirement. TIte CIIy Council may, <br /> by resolullonadopleQ by an affirmative vote of lour.(4) <br /> Council memb8f'S, di$pense with this reviewr8qUlf8- <br /> merit if, in its judgement, the City Council determl1l85 <br /> thatsuch proposal has no relationShlpto the City's com. <br /> prElt)ensive muniCipal plan. <br /> 3-. PubIc.HMItRge.::Th9 Aanning Commission shall <br /> conduct public heelrings as required by State law or the <br /> provisions of the AfdenHlIIs MunlclpaJ Code. <br /> 4. Appeeltl From Admlnl" Ptoclslon$. The . <br /> Planning Commissio".~.hear and decide ~eals <br /> where Ills alleged thai ',Ihere is aJ'i error In any order, <br /> requirement, decision, or detefminallon made by an sd- <br /> minlstrative officer in the enforcerl'lent 01 the City'sOf~ <br /> ficlalControl$. <br /> 5. V.ri.nces. The Planning Commission shall hear <br /> requests for variances pursuant Iollle requirements <br /> cootained in the City's Official Controls. <br /> 6. Bulldktg PermIts. When a building permit tor the <br /> construction of a building is, not ISsued because the <br /> buikling Is to be constructed within the limits of a map- <br /> ped street. ou~,ot any-bullding lines thai may have <br /> been establlStled upon iMl,exisling.$treet, or within an <br /> area identlfjed tor public PUrpo:se$or'l an ofticial map <br /> adopted by the City, the:f'tanning Commission, upon <br /> . appeaIllledwitt1 it bytheaffeQed ~~,-may <br /> .........~.ofabu~'"""'ItIor.IMlid. i <br /> buIIdlnI.IrnIUth__.lnany ~-""'thfMan,., <br /> ninG CommIssion II.. ,- I <br /> a. That !he entIre_ prop8f1y of !he Appellanl, pwt of <br /> which is included wtlhin Of Ii IocaIed outside 01 one or <br /> m.oreof the above-deecrlOed arus, cannot yield a <br /> ~ retumto IheAppelant ur\le$s 1he building <br /> permit is granwd; lif1d <br /> b: Thai jusliceand equity require 1he issuance oltha <br /> bUl~lng perTmt whenthEt CIty'S interest in preselVing <br /> ~hemtegrlty of its,officlal map and comprehensive plan <br /> IS balanced against the Appellant's interes1 in the use <br /> and enjOytnentof the property. <br /> If 11\8, F'tarinlng'_CommlllslolliJJlhorizesthe Issuance <br /> of a b!Jllding permit, as herein provided, the City shall <br /> have SIX (S)'mqn'PIslrom the ctaleof lhe decision of <br /> Ihe.~aJ'U1insCOmmission to instiiute ptOCeedlngs to <br /> acquire suthlandorWel'esitl1erein.lf'na such pro- <br /> oeedings'~started within lhallime, the building per- <br /> mit shallf>> iSBl,iedln accordanOe'~ttl the applicable <br /> qtyReg~, illht~licationft)r~d permilother- <br /> wise COM,arms loCityegula'tionS:'. . <br /> B. ~ Tt1tr'i'8t)Ol"i'Ih'Iendationsand <br /> findings,of m.ePlanning Commission, except as pro- <br /> vl~ed in Se.ction?O',24(A)(6).. ~aII. be advisory to the <br /> CIty Council Whi~ may take such action thereon as <br /> il deems PfOper.:' .. <br /> The Atcten HIIIsCity eouncn he~byOOiains thai Sec- <br /> tion 2(J-17, 2<J..22, 20-23, 2O-24(a), 2O-24(b) 2();.29 and <br /> Section IX of Appendix A and its subsections of lhe <br /> Arden Hills Municipal Code are hereby Repealed. - <br /> Effective Dele: This ordinance shall be effective the <br /> day lollowingits pubfication. <br /> Adoption Date_ Passed by the-City Council 01 the <br /> ~yof Arden Hills the 2nd of January, 1991. <br /> I Thomes S.r <br /> ATTEST: Mayo.. <br /> Gaiy Fl. Berger <br /> Administrator <br /> (Bulletin: Jan. 9, 1991) <br />