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<br /> the proper e)(ercise of itS police power, and with due <br /> regard to seasonable working conditions, when <br /> necessary, and after approval of its final plans have <br /> been obtained, order Company to relocate permanently e <br /> its mains, services, and Miler property located in said <br /> public way, Company shall relocate its facilities at its <br /> own expense. City shall give Company r8l!1S01"1eb1e <br /> nMlce of plans to grade, regrade or change the line of <br /> any public way or to construct or reconstruct any City <br /> utility system therein. However, after company has so <br /> relocated, if a subsequent relocation or relocations, <br /> shall b8 ordered within ten (10) years from and after <br /> first relocation, City shall reimburse Company for such <br /> non-benerrnent relocation expense which Company <br /> may incur on a time and material basis; provided, If <br /> subsequent relocations are required because of the ex- <br /> lension 01 City utilities to previously unserved areas, <br /> Company may be required to relocate at Its own ex. <br /> pense at any time <br /> SUbd. 2. Nothing contained in this franchise shall <br /> require Company to reIoCale, remove, replace, or <br /> reconnect at is own expense itS faclfltles where such <br /> relocation, removal, rtlplacement, or I"econnecllon is for <br /> convenience and not of necessity In the construction <br /> or reconstruc1ion of a City utIlity system or extension <br /> thereof. <br /> Subd, 3. Any relocalion, removal, or rearrangement <br /> of any Company lacililies made necessary because 01 <br /> Iheextension into or lhrough City 01 a federally aJded <br /> highway projeCl shall be governed by the provisions <br /> of Minnesola Statutes Sec1ion 161.46 as supplemen- <br /> tal Dr amended; and lurther, it is expressly understood <br /> that tlM! right herein granted to Company is a valuable <br /> property right and Cily shall not order Company 10 <br /> remove or relocate Its tacllities without compensation <br /> when a public way is vacated, improved or re-allgned <br /> because 01 a renewal or a redevelopment plan which <br />1'11)/'" IInl Sl ~S ;pa!JP - -sJA t ')lVO is financially subsidized in whole or in part by the <br />o )lWO Federal Government or any agency thereof, unless the <br />- '~ ~69-l&9'(,;~9 reasonable non-betterment costs of such a relocation <br />'''. 'pall:l8~s . .pAlap '" and ttle loss and eKpenSfJ resuhing therefrom are first <br />I ''''' 'vgS '4:lJIS '"11800311::10 .J,4, ('; paid to Company. <br />."",. Slibd, 4, Nothing contained hereln shall relieve any <br />> DNI)I 't>lSt-lSt person, persons or COfporations from liability arising <br />- 'dSS 'a3Ua:l 198MPIW out of the lailure to exercise reasonable care to avoid <br />:~-m lit dnll:lld 'st>J:t> '? St>Xl injuring COmpany's fac~ities while performing any wolii <br />,......1) 'SPABOq poeM dlliJas 331::1" connected with gading, regrading, or changing the line <br />:dn1S of any public way, or- with the construction or <br />- . ~66rlSt> 'pooMQ81s OSl8 reconstruction 01 any City utility system. <br />:S"'tU 'ploa OO~S JO peal nd OSS SECTION 7. Indemnification <br />..uuq ',"ds 'Ii' ,na 'poOMpJ8H 03XIW Company shall Indemnity, keep, and hold City free , <br />...... and harmless Irom any and all liability on account of <br />'Y:108 ..,.aAaO ',O.l.S-OL.l. .,uaAlloiilP injul)' to persons or damage to property occasioned by <br />- '"I 'I4:JA~80 'poOM""I" AYO the construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of <br />n.,st> Company's electric facilities located in,on, over, under, <br />w.... .~t>B~;-z9" .6Ulll:lIQS 'Ii' .Iap or across tile public ways and public grounds of City, <br />''tt='OS 'l:JU! sallU 'Slli9J 'peuos8es unless s.uch Injul)' or damage grows out of the <br /> aq 01 .A8f16 'HOtftS' >t'ttO ...1::10 negligence of City, its employees, or agents, or results <br />(ePlitM from the performance in a proper manner 01 acts <br />lilUnq 't>tt>~-SBL reasonably deemed hazardous by Company, bul auch <br />'sped .pJoa IlnJ .Oll$ 'P811:JeIB perfoonance is nevertheless ordered Dr directed by City <br />OOH'ttW , 'AAIP 'POOMilJl:l 03NOS\"3S after notice of Company's determination. In the evenl <br />- a suit shall be brought against City under cir- <br />~t> 'JiI, SHIH ~EE cumstances where the above agre'!mentlo indemnity <br />",d'Ao applies, Company atils sole cosl and expense shall <br />y.... o(IOOM defend City in such suit if written nMice thereof is pro- <br />SOWTtt mptly given to Company within a period wherein Com- <br />.- .B6l.l.-9lt>-ll9 '",pues pany is not prejudiced by lack of such notice. If such <br />:L .JIO .uoll8ZflelllUu JleH notice Is not reasonably given as hereinbefore provid- <br />'JOfOa Uti 8:J8111t01IUns-UON -tel, Company shall have no duty to indemnily nor de- <br />II 'Od t> S.lonOOtld &N1~'d'I.lN'tt fend_ II Company is required to indemnify and defend, <br /> ;OOLS AOI it will thereafter have complete control 01 such litiga- .1 <br />- 11.f'nJ.,n AlA Jenas::_ lIm tion, but Company may not settle such litigation without 0 <br />,'" the consent of City, which consent shall not be <br />I ORDINANCE NO. 263 unreasonably withheld. This section is not, as to third ., <br /> parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise <br />AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NORTHERN available to City; and Company, In defending any ac~ <br />STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA COR- tlon on behalf of City shall be entitled to assert In any , <br />PORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, PER- action every defense or immunity thaI City collld assert <br />MISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, REPAIR AND in ilS own behalf. <br />MAINTAIN IN THE CITY OF ARDEN HillS, MIN_ SECTION 8. Vacation of Public Ways <br />NESOTA, AN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The City shall give tile Company at least two weeks <br />AN' TRANSMISSION LINES, INCLUDING prior written notice of a proposed vacation of a public <br />NECESSARY POLES, POLE LINES, FIXTURES AND way. Except where required solely lor a City Improve- <br />APPURTENANCES, FOR THE FURNISHING OF ment project, the vacation of any public way, after the <br />ELECTRIC ENERGY TO THE CITY AND ITS IN- installation of electric facilities, shall not operate 10 <br />HABITANTS, AND OTHERS, AND TO USE THE deprive Company of its rights to operate and maintain <br />PUBUC WAYS AND PUBUC GROUNDS OF SAID CI- such electrical facilities, until the reasonable cost 01 <br />TV FOR SUCH PURPOSES, relocating the same and the loss and expense- resulting ~ <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF "THE CITY OF ARDEN from such relocation are first paid to Company. In no <br />HILLS, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DOES ease, however, shall City be liable to the Company for <br />ORDAIN: failure to specifically preserve a rigtlt-of-way, under Mln- <br />SECTION 1. DeflnItlons nesota Statutes, Section 160.29 <br />Subd. 1. In this Ordinance "City" means the City of SECTION 9. Wrttten Acceptance <br />Arden Hills, COlInty of Ramsey, State 01 Minnesota Company shall, if it accepts this Ordinance and the <br />Subd. 2. "Cily Ulilily System" refers to the facilities rights and obligations hereby granted, lile a written ac- <br />used for providing any public utility service owned or ceptance 01 the rights hereby granted with tha City <br />operaled by City or agency lhereof, including sewer and Clerk within nine1y (90) days aller the finat passage and . <br />watElfservlce any required publication of this Ordinance, <br />Subd. 3, "Campeny" rneansNorthefn Slates Power SECTION 10 Provlluons 01 Oretln.nee <br />Company, a Minnesota corp.,ralion, its euoc::essorsand Subd. 1_ Every section, provision, or part of this or. : <br />assigns. dinance is declared S8IMl~ from evely other section, <br />~~~~._":~:~~~'.~~ a.~!ltlngse~ ~r ~y provision, Of part: and If any Bection, provision, or part <br /> ~".-," h... h".... ,.."~,,... ;' ~h~1t ...... ~"....., .~.." ~'h". ~~ <br />