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PC 05-01-2002
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2002
PC 05-01-2002
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 1, 2002 9 <br /> , She stated once this was approved, the neighbors had no way of controlling this. She <br /> expressed coneem about having 20 children at the daycare facility. She understood that <br /> these were small children, but she did not believe there was anything that would hold to <br /> having a smaller number of children. She stated this was a business and they would <br /> strive to eventually get their enrollment of 20 children. She cxpressed concern that there <br /> was nothing saying that the children would be under the agc of five. She asked the <br /> Commission to take these things into consideration. <br /> Gloria Fuller, 1193 Amble Drive, expressed eoncelTl about the play area and the location <br /> of it. She stated the children needed more room. She asked how many daycarc centers <br /> they needed in the area, when there was a daycare facility a little over the mile down the <br /> road. <br /> Eugene Lane, Lino Lakes, stated he had been a member of Pilgrim House for 10 years <br /> and was currently on the building committee. He spoke in favor of the daycare facility. <br /> He stated Pilgrim House had been a proactive neighhor for over 30 years and they <br /> appreciated the concerns of the neighbors and would address all of their concerns, He <br /> stated they would be willing to consider moving the playground area to another location <br /> on the facility. He stated the building was heated year round and they see a need in the <br /> community for a daycare facility. He stated this was a wholesome business that could be <br /> run out of Pilgrim House. He stated this was an excellent opportunity to take advantage <br /> of an excellent business that would provide a good atmosphere for children to grow. <br /> I Chair Sand asked if the Commission could express in the Special Use Permit the age <br /> group of the children. Mr. Parrish replied that might be too specific of a condition <br /> relative to the Planning Commission's consideration of the request. He stated he did not <br /> know what would be accomplished by specifying the ages of the children. <br /> COlllillissioner Ricke stated the neighbors were concerned that older children were more <br /> independent that were more likely to rom, or be involved in louder games, etc. She <br /> asked if they limited the ages at this time, they could always come back alld revise the <br /> Special Use Permit. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman stated once they approved or disapproved the daycare facility <br /> based on the currcnt Ordinance, it would be up to the State to set the regulations for the <br /> daycare center. He stated license had to be applied for and certain requirements had to be <br /> met before this would be approved by the State. He stated this was not a part of what <br /> they were deciding and controlling. It was the City's responsibility to only approve or <br /> disapprove a daycare center at this location. <br /> Chair Sand stated he believed the City had the authority to set conditions on something <br /> that would affect the City, <br /> Commissioner Duchenes stated she believed this type of a condition was too limiting and <br /> she requested they obtain legal opinion before putting this type of a condition on a <br /> , daycare. <br /> Commissioner Galatowitsch stated if Arden Hills could offer this type of a daycare <br /> facility, it would be a bonus to the residents and the working mothers in the community. <br />
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