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PC 04-02-2003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2003
PC 04-02-2003
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 2, 2003 3 <br /> . Commissioner Zimmerman asked if this structure was secure enough from the elements <br /> that they would be able to store what was left over until the following season. Mr. Heider <br /> replied it would and that was one of the intentions of the building. He noted they bought <br /> their salt through the State bidding process. He noted the County would save a lot of <br /> money with a structure such as this. <br /> Ms. Modesette asked what was the life cycle for these types of structures. Mr. Fenton <br /> noted the guaranteed life was I5 years and the estimated life was 20 years. <br /> Chair Sand asked what was the material they were using for the roof. Mr. Fenton replied <br /> it was a vinyl with a woven mesh embedded in it. He noted it would not feel like fabric, <br /> but like plastic. <br /> Commissioner Ricke asked what was the plan for the fence along the east side of the <br /> property. Mr. Fenton replied it would be a coated chain link fence, dark green in color. <br /> Chair Sand noted on the west side there was substantially less attention to landscaping. <br /> He asked if funding did not come through and the Guard facility was not constructed, <br /> would this building be short oflandscaping. He asked if they could still landscape there, <br /> even if a building went in. Mr. Fenton replied they did not have any plantings planned <br /> for that area right now because there was drainage there. He noted the elevation of the <br /> ground continued to rise in that area. He stated there was the possibility of putting <br /> landscaping in that area, but he believed the National Guard was planning on expanding. <br /> . Mr. Moore stated the National Guard would have a lot of green space on their property <br /> for security reasons. He noted there was a "mountain" of dirt there right now, but that <br /> would be removed if/when the Guard expanded. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked about the canopy on the east end of the building. He asked <br /> ifit was open on all three sides and what was it used for. Mr. Fenton replied there was an <br /> open-air canopy planned for that area and it was open on three sides. <br /> Jeanne Winiecki, 447I Old Highway 10, asked if they would be screening the parking <br /> lot. She asked if there was a berm along Highway 96, or if the screening was entirely <br /> dependant upon prairie grass. She stated she was disappointed to think that the City <br /> would change the way they do business and expect different screening and landscaping <br /> on this project. Mr. Moore replied there was proposed to be a berm all along Highway <br /> 96, which would be six-foot high and screen the vehicles in the parking lot. He noted <br /> they would only see the tops of the vehicles in the parking lot. The purpose of the berm <br /> was to hide most of the vehicles. He noted they would be looking at the top part of the <br /> buildings only. <br /> There were no further comments made for or against the Site Plan Review. <br /> Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. <br /> . Commissioner Larson asked about protection of fuel islands. Mr. Moore replied the pond <br /> that was on the site was a water quality treatment pond. He noted there was a complete <br /> storm sewer system to collect water from all of the hard surfaces on the site, including the <br /> salt/sand storage area. He noted that system would then go into the water quality <br />
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