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PC 02-02-2005
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PC Minutes 2005
PC 02-02-2005
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 2, 2005 12 <br />. Chair Sand stated he understood if they looked at the whole 2400 acres, the eastern half <br /> would remain as open space and even in that area there was discussion as to whether it <br /> would be active or passive open space and he believed the passive open space had a <br /> greater influence on the outcome. He believed there was a promise made that the eastern <br /> half would be open to the public, not just accessible to the Guard. He stated he had a <br /> concern with the density, but he believed this could be controlled through the proper <br /> design guidelines set by the City, as well as good architecture. He stated even though this <br /> was dense, they needed to take into account that this needed to be economically feasible <br /> to the City. <br /> Commissioner Holmes stated the thing that concerned her most with the density was the <br /> increase in traffic that this would generate. She believed this development would have a <br /> negative impact to the community. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski noted there were more people working in Arden Hills thM did not live <br /> in Arden Hills. <br /> Commissioner Thompson stated a lot of people wanted to live in the City, but did not <br /> want the large lot or wanted to downsize, so she believed there was an expectation that <br /> there would be other types of housing arrangements in the City. <br /> Mr. Clark stated if the City was not a part ofthis process; the Army could go out and look <br />. for another buyer, which meant the City would have little control over the property. He <br /> noted right now the City had all of the control as to what type of a developnJent would be <br /> built. <br /> Chair Sand stated having sat through thc various meetings; he did not want to throwaway <br /> the hard work of 10 years due to the concerns of density. He believed the density issue <br /> could be addressed in the design concepts. He noted there has been a lot of input from a <br /> lot of people and he believed that should be respected. <br /> Commissioner Holmes stated what concerned her was that there were only three plans, <br /> which all looked the same. She believed thcre had not been a lot of work done on this. <br /> Chair Sand stated he would tend to defer to the experts on this because they had worked <br /> in this area for a long time. He noted there was not much they could do with respect to <br /> the road layout and the mixed use. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman moved, seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve <br /> Resolution Recommending Adoption of the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant <br /> Framework Plan dated January 13, 2005 with the correction to the fourth Whereas clause <br /> changing the date to January 24, 2004. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (5-1) (Commissioner Holmes opposed). <br />. B. PLANNING COMMISSION 2005 PC WORK PLAN <br /> Mr. Hellegers presented the potential Planning Commission work plan for 2005. He <br /> indicated the plan showed two ongoing activities; TCAAP Land Use Planning, and <br />
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