<br />OF .'\;'-\I.);':i\ i!:LL~
<br />
<br />Rt:~;:)LUT! ON i'!\~;. ".15-: ';
<br />
<br />WHU<EAS, .n"" CI1Y of .I\rden Hills ;-ecognjzes the need for a
<br />metropol i tar: {)9E~~ncy j! SUC'l as the [Jietropc I i i'on COiJrlci I t for coordi--
<br />nation and planning In the area, and there is now a proposal for-
<br />a bill (Compreh(,nslvE L,j(ld Use/Guided Growth Land Use Plan, 4/1/75)
<br />before the Comm:i"tees 01' the House. and Senate that would provide
<br />powers .ro the i-i,dropol i tan Counci I fitr beyond what is needed or its
<br />orl gi ned Intent rand
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />WHE:REAS, the bi! I a"fords local governments and schoois no truly
<br />effe<;;tlve voice, or part, in the aeclsions of the Metropolitan Counci
<br />on matters that have been traditionally of local concern, and con-
<br />trariwise the ~k,tropolii-iln Council could, with the force of law,
<br />esplicitly dictate in n1iltters relating to the local Comprehensive Plan,
<br />Capital Improvement Plan and ai I ordinances relating thereto, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the staff of the Metropolitan Counci I not only
<br />makes routine dai Iy deci,;ions, but also, as a matter ::>f routine,
<br />makes policy decisions, ~ince their recommendations and ideas are usu-
<br />ally accepted by the ~;et"opolitan Council, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, there Is B~ldence that the staff of the Metropolitan
<br />Council, as wel! as the Council itself, would diminish, In the name
<br />of sociai planning, thos" rights and freedoms that have traditionally
<br />meant so much to the happiness and well-being of individuals, and that
<br />these ri ghts and freedoms can be heard best by a responsive lo<;;al
<br />government that has time empathy and closeness to th9 public, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the City Counci I of Arden Hills believes in the
<br />planning process c~d the importance of local decision making to the
<br />orderly growth and existence of a municipality, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the City cl" Arden HI i Is has a Cornprehen3ive Plan which
<br />organizes its affairs so that the needs of Its citizens are duly pro-
<br />vided, whi Ie at the same time respecting the rights, ,needs and expec-
<br />tations, governmental problerr,s and requi rements of those who do not
<br />reside In the City, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the City has deveioped its Comprehensiv. Plan and pro-
<br />moted orderly growth of the City. with littie help from the Metro-
<br />pol itB;i1 Counci I in comparison to the Council's very 13rge consump-
<br />tion of tax doi lars, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the i:lili under consideration has had too little time
<br />for consideration, citizen debate or governmental,lnput;
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the duly ele:ted repre-
<br />sentati ves of the Ci ty of Arden Hi lis do unan i mous Iy ) lead that the
<br />proposed bl i I (4/1/75) enlarging the scope and powers of the Metro-
<br />poiitan Council be defeated, or failing this, that it be held over
<br />for an Interim study commission.
<br />
<br />Pass'3d by the Coun.:i I of the Ci ty of Arden Hi lis this 14th day of
<br />Aprll,1975.
<br />
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />
<br />Charlotte McNlesh
<br />Cier< Administrator
<br />
<br />CS'::AU
<br />