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<br />.f,-. .... ,j~T~~~~'" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF ~INNESOTA <br />~ COUNTY OF RA~SEY <br />VilLAGE OF AROEN HilLS <br /> <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - CASE NO. 70-52 <br /> <br />The undersigned, Crerk AdminIstrator of the Village of Arden <br />Hllls', does hereby certify that this Special Use Permltlsgra:-nted <br />pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 99 of Arde,n Hlll~lfl" <br />accordance ,with a publ Ie hearing duly held- on April 6,,:1971 by,th~ <br />Planning Commission, and subsequent approval thereof by; the Arden <br />Hills Cou"-cll on April 12, 197r. ' <br /> <br />Permission 15 accordingly gi.....en for the cons,tructlonof <br />faci'lltJes of thePresbyterran Homes, In accordance wlth plah,s <br />mitted with Case No. 70...52, at 3220 Lake Johann~JloulevC)rd,_)n <br />Hills, which pr'opert'Y Is legally -described as follows, to:...:.-It:. <br /> <br />All that part of Lot 5, Sec. 33, T. 30,. R <br />follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on <br />Lot 5, 4QOfeet N. of the SW corner of <br />theW..' I :Ine of sa I d Lot 5 to the NW co <br />oh the NI Ine o~ said lot 5 to a pofnt w <br />sects the E'_ly line of said Lot 5; thenceaJ<:>"g <br />line of sah;1 LotS to the Intersection thei"cepf <br />line of that" tract or parcel of land In satd lot <br />con'it~yed to, Mart In Hos I-t by Deed recorded In' u491 <br />thence WaloJ'9_the sald"N'ly line of said tract <br />'fore conveyed to the sai"d Martin Hosll to a <br />fe~t_,due' N.of:the S~ I tneof said lot 5 <br />f rqm:the Wllfle of said lot" 5; In <br />. ,936 feet to '8' point on the S line <br />teet Eot, the SW corner of lot 5; <br />of said LotS to the SW corner thereof; <br />lIne of saJd Lots to the point of beg-ln <br />from the,fqJ)owlng described p <br />(I) All that part of sold Lot 5 <br />mencl~Q,,'at _a point where the N' <br />5ect:~-"th€! WIly shore of lake <br />thens~at right angles and SEt I <br />Lal<.e,' "J,phanna; thence alon9 the <br />pO'f:l"lJ':9f::beglnnlng and_ exceptIng <br />(2) The S'ly 400 feet of sold lot 5 <br />whtcr,.:Js 6-6_feet NW'ly of and para-I Je <br />descr,lbe'd line; Beginning at a <br />Lot 5630, feetE of the, SW corner <br />'In a straight line 936 feet to <br />Not';:lb~S line of said lot 5 a <br />Itn-e 'G.f;:s~jd Lot 5. <br /> <br />Th':1~i:--'p6'rrn't is J ssued SU-bject to a,' I <br />~ltl,{)ns);~t ,forth in OrdIJ}~nce No. 99, <br />tothe,9;pt,p"t:ntng of a proper bulldlng pe <br />sold buildIng. <br /> <br />Oa at Arden Hills, MI nnesota I th'l <br /> <br /> <br />YllLAGE OF AROEN <br /> <br />By ~ <br />lor ra 1 neSt romq <br />Clerk Admlrilst <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />