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PCP 03-01-2006
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PCP 03-01-2006
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11/10/2006 4:03:31 PM
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 1,2006 7 <br /> Charlie Kinkead, 1385 Skiles, noted the trees close to the home would die also and he <br /> . asked them to put a condition in if the trees died they were required to be replaced with <br /> larger caliper trees. He asked how the City would control how large the new home would <br /> be. Chair Sand stated at this level, they were addressing isolated issues only and when it <br /> gets into the aesthetics of the home, this went into the Council's territory. He noted the <br /> Commission did not make any final decisions and they were only a recommending body <br /> to the Council. <br /> Mike Zoff, 3500 Glenarden, asked if the variance was granted, would that include the <br /> removal of a part of the existing structure. Chair Sand stated if the variance was granted, <br /> part of the living room would be removed, but the structure would remain where it was <br /> presently located. <br /> Sue Hangge, 1400 Forest Lane, stated she has lived in the neighborhood for 26 years and <br /> enjoycd the trees. She expressed concern about losing more trees and the disease of <br /> possible trees. She expressed concern about the size of the proposed new structure and <br /> the close proximity of the two homes. She did not believc this would fit into the <br /> neighborhood and it was too small. <br /> Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked if this lot could be 85 feet wide if it were in the R-3 zone. <br /> Mr. Lehnhoffresponded 85 feet would be the width of an R-3 zone. <br /> . Commissioner Larson stated he was against subdividing property that would then result <br /> in a non-conforming structure on the property. Hc stated if they could move the property <br /> line to the east, giving them the 10-foot setback he would be comfortable with that as <br /> long as the other lot met the subdivision requirements. He stated moving the house <br /> seemed like they would lose a lot of trees and it made more sense to move the property <br /> line to make it conforming. He stated perhaps they could table this particular request and <br /> have staff work with applicant to give them a new plat that would satisfy the setback <br /> requirements, which would remove the necd for any variances. Mr. Lehnhoff stated if <br /> they wanted the applicant to do this, it would require a denial and re-submittal because <br /> this would be a differcnt request. <br /> Chair Sand askcd if this would necessarily be rezoned to R-3. Mr. Lehnhoffresponded it <br /> did not and they needed to be concerned about spot zoning, whcn it might be much better <br /> to have a comprehensive rezoning of the entire neighborhood, <br /> Chair Sand noted R-3 zoning would also entitled them to multi-family homes, which was <br /> also a concern. <br /> Commissioner Larson stated building multiple homes on this lot would be controlled by <br /> thc square footage of the lot. Chair Sand replied they could build an up/down duplex <br /> howcver. <br /> . Commissioner Larson stated he would not be in favor of granting this subdivision <br /> bccause they were granting a non-conforming use. <br /> 7 <br /> -------..----...- <br />
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