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<br />.. <br /> MINUTES ~OO~~1 <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING <br />- SEPTEMBER 22, 1997 <br /> 8:45 P,M. - ARMY RESERVE CENTER <br /> CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Prcsident Dcnnis Probst callcd to order the spccial <br /> Economic Devclopmcnt Authority mecting at 10:41 p.m. <br /> Present: President Dcnnis Probst, Commissioners Bcverly Aplikowski, Susan <br /> Keim, and Paul Malonc. <br /> Absent: Commissioner Dalc Hicks <br /> Also prescnt were: Exccutive Dircctor, Kevin Ringwald; Sccretary/Treasurer, Brian <br /> Fritsinger; Attorney, Jerry Filla; and Recording Sccretary, Cindy Schncider. <br /> ADOPT AGENDA <br /> MOTION: Malonc moved and Keim scconded a motion to adopt the agcnda for the <br /> Scptcmber 22, 1997, Special Economic Developmcnt Authority meeting as <br />. presented. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> A, Gatcway Business District (GBD) <br /> 1, Dcveloper's Agreement, Wclsh Developmcnt Company, LLC <br /> Mr. Brian Fritsingcr, EDA Sccrctary/Treasurcr, statcd thc EDA is being askcd to approve the <br /> Dcvelopment Agreement between thc City of Arden Hills and Welsh Developmcnt Company, <br /> LLC. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger stated the EDA and City will bc rcsponsible for the construction ofthc Highway <br /> 96 and thc 14'h Street improvements. Those improvements will be completed in 1998, and will <br /> be paid for using the proceeds of City tax increment bonds. It is anticipated that the <br /> improvements to 14'h Strcct will begin in 1997 and to Highway 96 in 1998. Thc City and the <br /> EDA will, at some point, undcrtake the West Round Lake Road improvemcnts, but these <br /> improvements arc not necessary at the prcsent time. <br /> The City has been working with Ehlers and Associates to determinc the level of bonds necessary <br /> to bc issued for this project, and expects to have a formal recommendation available at the <br /> Octobcr 14, 1997, regular City Council mceting. The bond is cstimated to be in the area of$2.5 - <br /> $3,5 million. The City intends to be conscrvative in thc issuance of bonds. <br />. <br />