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CCP 02-10-1997
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CCP 02-10-1997
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<br /> ~'D ~V"T <br /> ~I .11' - .'1 r' 1 <br /> W'nJ' <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 27.1997 4 <br />Councilmember Malone inquired regarding replacement of driveway curbing on Colleen Circle. . <br />Mr. Stonehouse replied this issue should be taken up between the residents of the street and the .. <br />contractor. <br />Councilmember Aplikowski inquired if a decision has been made regarding the different type of I <br />sealcoating. Mr. Stonehouse replied the portion of Snelling A venue south of Highway 96 has <br />been chosen. He further stated this is a heavier traveled road, so the project will be more <br />expensive, but would provide a good test of the durability of the different.material. I <br />MOTION: Hicks moved and Keirn seconded a motion to adopt Resolution #97-06, <br /> Approving the Plans and Specifications and Authorizing the Advertisement for I <br /> Bids in the Matter of Street Improvements of 1997. <br />Kim Sawtell, 3637 Ham\ine Avenue, came forward to address the Council. She stated her I <br />concern with traffic at the south end of Hamline A venue at County Road E. She explained there <br />have been many more accidents and near-accidents at this intersection since the reconstruction of I <br />the turn lanes. The different agencies involved in this intersectiou (Arden Hills, Ramsey County, <br />State of Minnesota) do not appear to be working together to find a solution for this problem. She <br />asserted it is only a matter oftime before someone is seriously injured or killed at this I <br />intersection. <br />Councilmember Aplikowski inquired what could be done in this intersectiou to improve it. Ms. ~ <br />Sawtell replied she would like to see the lane striping back to how it was before. The new <br />striping is causing traffic congestion in this area that did not exist before. She does not feel there <br />is enough room allowed for a car to go around someone making a left turn on to North Snelliug I <br />from County Road E. <br />Mr. Stonehouse stated he has spoken to Ramsey County regarding this intersection, and would I <br />like to commission a study regarding the accideut rate before and after the changes. He stated at <br />this time, Ramsey Couuty is uot interested in making any changes to the project. <br />Ms. Sawtell allowed that the changes that were made are better for the residents east of Highway I <br />96, but worse for her area. I <br />Councilmember Malone commented if the road were to be moved to the west and a standard <br />intersection installed, it would require the City to acquire two houses, and stated he felt the cost I <br />would be prohibitive. <br />The motion carried unanimously (5-0). I <br />B. Planning Case #96-27, Arden Hills Texaco/Quizno's, 1306 West County Road E, <br /> SUP Amendment/Variance I <br />Kevin Ringwald, Community Development Director, gave a brief overview of Planning .. <br />Commission #96-27. He stated the petitioner is requesting approval of an amendment to a <br /> I <br />
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