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<br /> Notice of Meetinq Attendance <br /> . In order for the Planning Commission and the City Council to consider any application, the applicant or a <br /> designated representative must be present at the scheduled meeting. If not, the matter will be tabled until <br /> the next available agenda. <br /> Aqenda Deadline and Meetinq Schedule <br /> The deadline for submittal of land use applications is required according to the schedule outlined below. <br /> There are no exceptions. All Planning Commission meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each <br /> month at 7:00 PM. City Council meetings are held the last Monday of the same month at 7:00 PM. <br /> Meetings are Ileld in the Council Chambers at the City of Arden Hills, 1245 West Highway 96, Arden Hills, <br /> Minnesota 55112, unless otherwise stated. Applicants are advised that additional meetings andlor <br /> workshops are scheduled when necessary upon approval of the Planning Commission. <br /> 2006 SCHEDULE (*subject to change) <br /> TENTATIVE <br /> PLANNING <br /> COMMISSION <br /> APPLICATION MEETING* <br /> DEADLINE (Generally held on <br /> DATE* 1;t Wednesda at 7:00 <br /> DecemberS (200S) , JanUar <br /> Januar 3 <br /> FebrlJa 6 <br /> . March 6 <br /> Ap ril3 <br /> Ma 1 June 7 <br /> June,S <br /> July 3 Au ust 2 <br /> AugUst:7 5e lember6', <br /> SeptemberS October 4 <br /> Octciber:2 Ncivember1 <br /> ------ November 6 December 6 <br /> December 4 Januar 3(2007) -.....-- <br /> Acknowledqement and Siqnature <br /> I acknowledge that I have read all of the information listed in the City of Arden Hills Land Use Application <br /> '"" '"'" ""''"';~2;;?;'"''"'''' '"'"" eo," "'"'000 " ,"0 C", ",,,"" '" "'" ""'.""0 "' <br /> thisapZ? ~ 1jr;t, <br /> Applicant Signature Date . <br /> Please contact the City Planner at (651) 634-5134 if you have any questions regarding your application. <br /> . Additional copies ofthis application form are available on the City's website: <br /> httD:I/ arden-hills. mn. uslDeDartments/Communitv DCvcJoDmenUPlannina/o/annina forms. htm <br /> Page 3 on <br />