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CCP 09-29-1997
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CCP 09-29-1997
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<br /> --- <br /> I" DRAFT <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 8 1997 5 <br /> 1 <br /> ,. road. The south segment of West Round Lake Road between 13th and 14'h Streets is not being <br /> proposed for reconstruction in fiscal year 1998. <br /> Mr. Stonehouse noted that Hamline and Snelling Avenues, which had been removed from the <br /> 1 1997 Street Improvement Project, had been included in the 1998 projections. The other road <br /> proposed for 1998 reconstruction is Stowe Avenue. <br /> 1 Mr. Stonehouse advised that the estimated cost for this project if all roads were repaired is <br /> $2,5 I 6,475, broken down in the following manner: $2.36 million for reconstruction, $ I 36,000 <br /> 1 for overlay, $19,000 for seal-coat. Funding sources include the PIR Fund, SWM Fund, MNDOT <br /> State Aid, Ramsey County Tumback Funds for Stowe A venue, and property assessments. <br /> I The preliminary assessment costs per square foot are as follows: <br /> Seal -coat $ O.OO/ff <br /> Overlay 5.44/ff <br /> I Residential reconstruction 5I.8I/ff <br /> Commercial reconstruction I 32.77/ff (West Round Lake Road) <br /> I Mr. Stonehouse explained that the suggested time line would be to hold public hearings in the <br /> early fall, approve plans and specifications in late 1997, obtain bids in early 1998 and award the <br /> contracts in mid-May to facilitate completion of the project by August 1998. <br /> Ie Mr. Stonehouse stated that Howard R. Green Consulting Engineers believes these costs to be <br /> necessary and feasible, but is aware of the need for further discussion of this project. Approval <br /> I and acceptance of the feasibility report would allow the City to begin to assess funds and begin <br /> the public hearing process. <br /> I Councilmember Keirn inquired why the costs for residential reconstruction had risen by <br /> $ I O.OO/ff since the 1997 project. Mr. Stonehouse stated that many of these areas require storm <br /> I sewer repair but, after a more detailed analysis, it may be possible to reduce some of the <br /> assessments. <br /> I Mayor Probst inquired as to the budgeted amount for pavement management. He stated the City <br /> was committed to repairing Stowe Avenue because of the Ramsey County tumback. He noted <br /> the proposed repairs to West Round Lake Road were out of the ordinary, but necessary with <br /> I continued development in the area. He inquired whether the list should be trimmed now, or if all <br /> affected citizens would be notified and adjustments made at a later date. <br /> I Councilmember Malone stated it would be helpful to know citizen opinion on this issue. <br /> Mayor Probst noted that, if it was the City's intention to stay in a certain geographical area, the <br /> I repairs to the southwest area of the City, including Stowe A venue, may be an approachable <br /> project for completion in 1998. <br /> it <br /> I -- <br /> -- __n_ <br />
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