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<br /> I' ..........:;;,.0 G>c:.. t..;:;lnu.....,... <.:< M':;'':'U\~" C",,;. ..1......-::.... .;)......U.... <br /> r- "'-''::..J "-', <br /> I BENSHOOF & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br /> TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS <br /> ~ 7301 OHMS LANE. SUITE 500/ EDINA. MN 55439/ (612) 832-9858/ FAX (612) 832-9564 <br /> I August 5, 1997 REFER TO FILE; 96-53 <br /> I MEMORANDUM <br /> I TO: Dick Zehring, Welsh Development Company <br /> Kevin Ringwald, City of Arden Hills -- <br /> ~I <br /> FROM: James A. Benshoofand Peter A, Hultgren ..,oJ( 'J/ <br /> I RE: Ability of Roadway System to Accommodate Occupancy of Gateway <br /> Business Center Before Completion of Improvements on Round Lake <br /> I Road at Highway 96 <br /> PURPOSE <br /> 'e The purpose of this memorandum is to determine the amount of space in Ihe Gateway <br /> Business Center that could be occupied without exceeding appropriate delay levels for <br /> I Round Lake Road at its existing intersection with Highway 96. It is important to note that <br /> further occupancy beyond the threshold level identified in the preceding step could occur <br /> I if police officer traffic control is provided at the intersection during the time periods when <br /> excessive delays otherwise would be experienced, <br /> I EXISTING CONDmONS <br /> I Highway 96 has two lanes of traffic in each direction at the Round Lake Road <br /> intersection. Round Lake Road is stop controlled and has no pavement markings. The <br /> pavement width on the approach to Highway 96 is wide enough so that two northbound <br /> I lanes of traffic an: fonned, one for left turns and one for right turns, Road improvements <br /> to Highway 96 are currently being constrocted on a segment in Shoreview. This <br /> construction begins at the west leg approach to the Lexington Avenue intersection and <br /> I extends eastward. To account for the effects of this construction, we decided to collect <br /> weekday p,m. peak hour turn movements at the Round Lake Road and Highway 96 <br /> intersection rather Ihan rely upon the l1Jm movements we collected one year ago prior 10 <br /> I constIUcliolj. These turn movements are shown in Figure 1. <br /> t' <br /> I <br />