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<br /> ..___ '_, A __ -' --. -- ,~. ''-'~. --~_. -~- --- -~-, . - - - -I <br /> Sl,o <br /> Messrs. Zehring and Ringwald -4- August 5, 1997 <br /> I <br /> established 90 seconds as the maximum tolerable delay for northbound left turning -- <br /> motorists at the Round Lake Road intersection. <br /> Having established 90 seconds as the delay threshold, the northbound left turn lraffic <br /> volume was increased in the HCS unlil the e$limalCd delay was very nearly 90 seconds. I <br /> Several iterations were necessary to determine the maximum volumes that could be added <br /> to the inbound and outbound turn movements and still maintain a maximum delay of 90 <br /> seconds for the northbound left turn. Assigning the inbound and outbound trips in I <br /> proportion to the observed turn movements results in the peak hour turn movemenls <br /> shown in Figure 2. These turn movements representlhe maximum turn movemenlS that <br /> result in a threshold delay of 90 seconds at the current stop conlrolled intersection of I <br /> Round Lake Road and Highway 96. -- <br /> The final step was to convert the additional trips which resulled in the maximum Ihreshold I <br /> delay into the amount of occupied floor area which will generate this number of trips, The <br /> proposed development floor area will be divided into 20 percenl office space and 80 <br /> percent warehouse space, The lable below shows the forecast number of weekday p.m, I <br /> peak hour trips generated by 200,000 sq, ft. of development when fully occupied. <br /> Table of Weekday P,M. Peak Hour Trip Generationl I <br /> Trips Inbound Outbound ~ <br /> Land Use Size (sa. ft.) Generated Trips Trips <br /> Office 40,000 95 16 79 <br /> Warehouse 160 000 118 41 77 I <br /> Total 200,000 213 57 156 <br /> This trip generation scenario results in the maximum turn movements of Figure 2. Thus, I <br /> we conclude that the current stop controlled intersection can accommodate the I <br /> development and full occupancy of200,OOO sq. ft, ofche Gateway Business Center, <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I The number of trips generated tor each land use (and the number inbound and outbound) are calculated I <br /> ftom the rates published in Trip Genera/ion, 5th Edilion,lnstitule of Transportation Engineers, 1991. -- <br /> I <br /> --- <br />