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03-25-03 PTRC Minutes
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03-25-03 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minntes 3 <br /> March 25, 2003 <br /> - Mr. Moore discussed quotes they have received for the underpass and overpass. He indicated the <br /> underpass quote was $535,000, however you then need to add 10 percent for the engineering fees <br /> and 10 percent for overhead, meaning the actual cost would be $642,000. He stated the overpass <br /> quote was $709,000, and with the additional 20 percent would be $850,800. He indicated the <br /> underpass would be a 12-foot by 12-foot box culvert, and the prices quoted are ifit is done as <br /> part of the Highway 96 project. The overpass would be a 14-foot wide bridge with a 12-foot <br /> walkway. <br /> Mr. Moore explained the problem with the underpass is that the utilities are 12 feet below <br /> ground, so the boxes would need to be 21 or 22 feet below the road. He added this could cause <br /> additional problems with lighting and drainage. The advantage of the overpass is no utilities <br /> would be involved and it could be done after the project if necessary, as long as supports were <br /> put in as part of the project. He indicated the County would not fund this, however they have <br /> agreed to construct it as part of the project. <br /> The Committee discussed other locations an underpass might be located, however it was <br /> determined that the other logical locations will have signals, which the County does not believe <br /> is a good location for an underpass. <br /> Mr. Moore explained the County would be stopping short of the intersection of Highways 10 and <br /> 96. He stated the County has indicated they would pay for an underpass that would go under <br /> Highway 10 and connect where the City specifies, at their cost. However, he added today they <br /> e learned that the trail components, which was to consist of a 10 foot wide bituminous trail on the <br /> south side and a six foot concrete sidewalk on the north side, would not be provided because the <br /> County has run out of money. He stated that although they have paid for the other cities along <br /> the project, the County no longer has the funds to provide this and the City will have to pick up <br /> the cost, approximately $100,000, if they want it. He indicated the $100,000 would cover the <br /> trail on both sides, however the six-foot concrete sidewalk would become a five-foot bituminous <br /> trail. Mr. Moore outlined four options: <br /> 1. Forget about having a trail because it is too expensive, which does not seem fair <br /> since the County paid for the other cities. <br /> 2. Suggest to the City Council money from State Aid is used. Currently the City has <br /> approximately $1,000,000 of State Aid money, with $600,000 dedicated and <br /> nothing on the horizou for a few years that qualifies for State Aid funds. <br /> 3. Suggest to the City Council that General Funds are used to provide the trail. <br /> 4. Suggest to the City Council that PTRC funds are used to provide the trail. <br /> The Committee discussed how much was in the General Fund that was discretionary. The <br /> thought was it was somewhere in the $9 to $10 million range, and the PTRC currently has <br /> approximately $560,000. Committee Member Crassweller stated he feels the PTRC funds <br /> should be used to pay the $100,000 for the trails, and it should be recommended that the City <br /> spend the $600,000 needed for the underpass. He feels if the PTRC is willing to spend 20 <br /> percent of their funds, the City should be able to spend less than 10 percent of theirs for a project <br /> that is part of the Comprehensive Plan at a time that it makes sense to do it. He stated that is true <br /> . long-term planning. <br />
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