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07-22-03 PTRC Minutes
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07-22-03 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 4 <br /> July 22, 2003 <br /> . . Reviewed the Highway 96 Project with the Committee. <br /> . He stated that they are moving forward with construction of the maintenance <br /> building and reviewed the progress with the Committee. <br /> Chair Straumann stated that it would be nice to have a trail along the west side of Old <br /> Snelling noting that a north/south trail is the Park Committee's long term goal. Council <br /> Liaison Grant stated that City Council is aware that the bridge near McDonalds on <br /> County Road E was designed to be used as a walking trail. He stated that the City <br /> Engineer would review the possibilities. <br /> Mr. Moore noted that Canadian Pacific presently does not have any plans to work with <br /> the City with respect to widening Old Highway 10. He reviewed the issues noting that he <br /> does not foresee any clearing of the brush or debris from underneath the bridge for an <br /> official trail. He stated that Canadian Pacific did not have an issue with unofficial use but <br /> that they would not give any rights for access or assist in any way to place a trail in that <br /> area. <br /> Committee Member Henry asked if anything was happening with the trail through <br /> Northwestern. Mr. Moore stated that nothing is happening right now noting that they <br /> would be meeting with Northwestern the first Wednesday in August to discuss the trail. <br /> ~ 5. PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATES <br /> Tom Moore - Park Update <br /> Mr. Moore provided the Committee with an update on the Park activities. He reviewed <br /> the following items: <br /> . Reviewed the Cummings Park Shelter Plans. Provided an overview of the <br /> timeline for construction and provided an update on the process. Stated that they <br /> are discussing the particulars for presentation to Council for approval with the <br /> hopes of beginning as early as this week. In conjunction with this project Guidant <br /> Drive North, off Lexington will now be officially closed. He stated that this <br /> would be a twelve week project adding that Guidant Drive North will be renamed <br /> Cummings Park Drive. He stated that the road would be widened and become a <br /> standard City street. He stated that it would also contain a trail component that <br /> would link to the Lexington Trail segment and come back down to Guidant Drive <br /> North, which would provide access to the park. <br /> . Have now completed a trail loop for the WyncrestlAmble section of the City. ' <br /> . Stated that as part of the proj ect the existing spruce trees would be removed and <br /> then replanted. He explained that they couldn't replant the existing spruce trees, <br /> . as they would not take. <br />
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