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01-27-04 PTRC Minutes
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
01-27-04 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> Jauuary 27,2004 <br /> Page 4 of8 <br /> . <br /> . Scheduled a joint Planning Commission/PTRC meeting in July 2004 at the annual picnic. <br /> Stated that the intent of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for each group to get to <br /> know each other and to discuss inclusion ofthe PTRC in the review process for new <br /> construction projects that would impact parks and trails. <br /> . Installation of the gateway monument signs will be a joint effort between the PTRC and <br /> the Planning Commission. <br /> . Has received a large amount of phone cal1s from the Eagle Scouts with respect to 2004 <br /> projects. He noted that the Eagle Scouts would be involved in the spring flower <br /> plantings, installing birdhouses and wood duck houses throughout the City. He stated <br /> that the Eagle Scouts would be involved in a large number of projects this year noting <br /> that their support and assistance is very welcome and appreciated. <br /> Chair Henry suggested that the PTRC meet with the Russian Orthodox Church to personally <br /> thank them for their donation. Mr. Moore agreed stating that he would coordinate the <br /> meeting for the Committee. <br /> A. Perry Park <br /> . Staff will be meeting with the HCM Architect next Tuesday, February 3,2004 to discuss <br /> . the results of the soil tests, water/sewer and surveys to determine the possibility of <br /> building. Once confirmation is received that it is ok to build they will then begin to move <br /> forward with the planning and design process. <br /> . Funds have been allocated for improvements for a trail connection from Swamp Lift <br /> Road up to Perry Park. The trail will connect the Chatham and Perry Park <br /> neighborhoods. <br /> B. Cumminl!s Park Update <br /> . The City has not taken possession of the warming house building yet. Possibly take <br /> possession in the spring. <br /> . Minimal work has been done due to the weather. <br /> . The ADA proposal for the bathrooms has been rejected and is now being reviewed. <br /> . Flooded the ice rink and have received a large amount of positive response from the <br /> residents. City Hall has received several very positive calls regarding the rink. <br /> . Received a call from Patrick Krenn stating that the neighborhood no long wants the <br /> hockey boards. Mr. Moore has requested this in writing from the neighborhood group <br /> and that he has informed them that a neighborhood meeting would have to be held to <br /> discuss the issues. <br /> . Future meetings with the neighborhood are to be scheduled to discuss the issues. <br /> . . Staff would be mailing to the neighborhood and will take great care in deciding if the <br /> boards are to be installed again next year as it is a very expensive project. <br />
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