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02-24-04 PTRC Minutes
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02-24-04 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meetiug Minutes <br /> February 24, 2004 <br /> Page 4 of8 <br /> . A. Bridl!:e on County Road E <br /> Mr. Moore provided the Committee with the information packet he presented to Council for their <br /> review. He stated that he presented three options to the Council for their consideration, noting <br /> that Council decided to move forward with Option B. He explained that Option B involves <br /> replacing the existing bridge, the north sidewalk and rail, shift the roadway center line to the <br /> north, narrow traffic lanes from IS-feet to 14-feet and construct a 7-foot walkway along the side <br /> of bridge. He stated that the estimated costs for the construction would be $80,000. <br /> Chair Henry asked how far out the cantilever would be. Mr. Moore stated that the cantilever <br /> would go out approximately 13 inches. <br /> Mr. Moore reviewed the three options presented with the Committee, noting that currently they <br /> have $150,000 in the CIP budget that would more than cover the costs of the project. He <br /> reviewed the following with the Committee: <br /> . Option B will cost $80,000 <br /> . The bituminous trail, west from the Bridge to Lindy's triangle would cost approximately <br /> $55,000. <br /> . Only item they have not decided on yet is the decorative railing. They will present <br /> . options to Council for consideration as they closer to the beginning of the project. <br /> . The project has received favorable response from the Council adding that URS will begin <br /> to move forward. <br /> . He stated that several communications would occur with residents in the area and within <br /> the Community. Neighborhood meetings would be scheduled in addition to various <br /> mailings to the neighborhood and Community. <br /> . Ramsey County has blessed the project, as has MnDOT. <br /> . Authorized plans and specifications should be available for bid in April with <br /> Construction to begin in August and a projected end date by the beginning of October. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller clarified that the traffic lanes would be narrowed from IS-feet <br /> down to 14-feet. Mr. Moore confirmed, stating that Ramsey County has approved the proposal. <br /> He assured the Committee that it would not greatly affect the traffic flow in the area and <br /> reviewed. <br /> Chair Henry clarified that the walkway would be elevated and separated by the curb. Mr. Moore <br /> confirmed that the curb would separate the walkway from traffic. He noted that they had wanted <br /> to install railing along the outside but that it is not a high-speed area and the railing would not be <br /> required. He indicated that, depending upon the bid amounts and wbether the City Council and <br /> . PTRC approve the final plan, they might consider installing a railing between the walkway and <br /> traffic. <br />
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