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04-27-04 PTRC Minutes
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04-27-04 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27, 2004 <br /> Page 4 of? <br /> . . Plan to pick up the trees and shrubs on May 3rd and distribute throughout City. <br /> Council Liaison Holden noted that a portion of the project is tied to the runoff into the lakes and <br /> sewer and would be dependent upon the CPr. <br /> Committee Member Thompson noted that in the last newsletter the Mayor had questions <br /> regarding a dog run. She asked if the City has received any responses. Mr. Moore stated that <br /> they did receive emails expressing an interest for a dog run at Lindey's Park. He stated that the <br /> email was forwarded to the Mayor. <br /> Michelle Olson - Recreation Update <br /> Ms. Olson provided the Committee with following update: <br /> . Easter Egg Hunt was a success noting that Council Liaison Holden helped out <br /> considerably. <br /> . Used the new facility at Cummings Park for the event. <br /> . Noted that the facility is close to being done. Stated that it looks really nice adding that <br /> the residents complimented the building. She noted that she has received five calls from <br /> people who already want to make reservations. <br /> . Building will not be ready for rental until the June timeframe. <br /> . . Building area needs to be deep cleaned and landscaped. <br /> . Adult Softball starts tonight. <br /> . Have made huge strides in repairing the fields at Perry Park. Drainage is better due to <br /> repairs done last fall. <br /> . Fencing is almost completed. <br /> . Picnic structure will really add to the park and improvements will offer residents more <br /> opportunity for picnics and activities. <br /> Ms. Olson stated that Softball and Baseball Associations are coming, more frequently, to the City <br /> requesting more and more fields each year. She explained that Staff is trying to determine the <br /> best way to address the demand noting that part of their resolution is to conduct a survey to <br /> determine what surrounding Cities are doing to manage the demand. She further explained that it <br /> takes a lot of work and staff to maintain the fields noting that the Associations do not pay for any <br /> of the maintenance or for use of the fields. She stated that it appears that most Cities are <br /> charging the Associations for the use of their fields noting that the City is not for or against them <br /> using the fields. She stated that the survey is part of the process the Staff would like to pursue to <br /> try and determine the best way to manage the use of the fields. <br /> She noted that Perry Park Field #4, which was a contribution from the Little League, has not had <br /> the necessary improvements and is in dire need of repair. She stated that they do not want to <br /> spend a significant amount of money for the improvements adding that they approached the <br /> . Associations for possible contributions. She explained that the Associations are currently using <br /> the field as a practice field and Staff is now finding that they are requesting the nicer fields for <br /> \\Earth\Adnriu\CommitteeslParks Trails and Recreation CommitteelMinutes\2004\04-27-04 Minutes.doc <br />
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