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06-28-05 PTRC Minutes
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06-28-05 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> ---- <br /> PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREA nON COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> JUNE 28, 2005 Page 4 of 10 <br /> . regarding my performance with the PTRC and also sent an email documenting his thoughts <br /> regarding my performance with regards to the motion. He explained that he used his own <br /> judgment and decided not to bring the PTRC's motion, specifically as stated, to City Council <br /> because he knew the motion would not pass as stated. He explained that he asked Council to <br /> give Staff permission to come up with a recommendation to PTRC. He acknowledged that it was <br /> the wrong decision and that he probably should have brought the recommendation to Council as <br /> stated and let the chips fall where they may. <br /> Mr. Moore stated that another issue to consider is that the City Council looks at the PRTC as a <br /> Committee that is very aggressive in their desires and that some of the Council Members view <br /> him as the lead in an effort to satisfy his own agenda through this Committee. He expressed <br /> concerns stating that this shouldn't happen this way noting that he has been trying to work away <br /> from this point of view. He clarified that his role is that of Staff Liaison to this Committee <br /> noting that he has two concerns that he would like clarified. First, does the PTRC feel that he did <br /> wrong by not presenting the recommendation as stated or does he have the opportunity to use his <br /> best judgment on behalf of the PTRC; and second, Is it appropriate for a Committee Member to <br /> go to the City Administrator and criticize a member without discussing it with the rest ofthe <br /> Committee first. <br /> Committee Member Williams stated that he feels that both are wrong. He stated that the reason <br /> they have a Chair position is to provide the Committee and Council with a liaison. He stated that <br /> . Committee Member McClung should have contacted Chair Henry to discuss his concerns and the <br /> process. He expressed concerns stating that beating up on staffis not a positive action by a <br /> Committee Member because staff are the ones who help make things happen at all levels. <br /> Committee Member Werner agreed. She stated that it is her understanding that fielding <br /> complaints is part of the role of the Chair and all complaints should go to the Chair of the PTRC. <br /> She stated that Mr. Moore has been nothing but supportive to the PTRC and their efforts and <br /> believes that he should be able to use his best judgment on behalf of the PTRC. <br /> Committee Member McClung stated that how complaints should be presented should be <br /> discussed. He questioned why the PTRC makes motions, takes votes or has a minute-taker if <br /> what they recommend is not clearly presented to Council. He stated that the issue is the wording <br /> of the proposed policy. <br /> Chair Henry stated that it is his understanding that this was discussed at a Council work session <br /> and that the matter on the table was a suggestion by the Council to direct staffto develop a <br /> policy. He stated that it is his understanding that the recommended policy that came out of this <br /> Committee is what we would hope staff would bring back to Council in pursuit of the <br /> recommended direction. He stated that he trusts Mr. Moore to use his best judgment in pursuing <br /> recommendations made by this Committee. <br /> . Committee Member Crassweller clarified that the issue here is what is appropriate for Mr. Moore <br /> to do. He suggested that in the future, before presenting PTRC issues to Council, that Mr. Moore <br />
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