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09-28-05 PTRC Minutes
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09-28-05 PTRC Minutes
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<br /> PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREA nON COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> SEPTEMBER 28, 2005 Page 3 of! 0 <br /> . there is a need for sometlling more institutionalized. Staff was given tlle direction to come <br /> back with some funding ideas and options for the Council to consider that would increase the <br /> capital funds for park expenditures. Provided copies of budget for their review. <br /> . City Council adopted the Smoking Policy for public areas and parks. <br /> . City Council approved the revisions to the shade tree ordinance. <br /> . Staff Departures - Scott Clark, Community Development Director, left for opportunities with <br /> the City of Elk River; and Peter Hellegers, City Plamler, left for opportunities with the City of <br /> SOUtll St. Paul; <br /> . City Council approved a Joint Powers agreement with the city of Roseville regarding a shared <br /> engineer position. This will provide the City with the opportunity to have someone <br /> physically located at City Hall and would be available to address engineering issues on a <br /> weekly basis. He noted that the individual would work in the capacity of City Engineer. He <br /> noted that the City of Arden Hills can have up to 80-percent of their time. He further noted <br /> that it could be made a full time position if it ends up that there is any overtime and if it <br /> appears to be a good position for Arden Hills. <br /> 4. PARKS AND TRAILS UPDATES <br /> Mr. Moore provided the Committee with the following update: <br /> . Storm Damage and Cleanup: <br /> . . Approximately 2,500 to 3,000 trees in the City were downed or damaged due to the <br /> recent storm. <br /> . He thanked everyone for the help and support with respect to the curbside pickup <br /> schedule. <br /> . Curbside pickup has started in the least damaged area of the City, north of 694. The <br /> process has been slow noting that they have already taken 34 truckloads of debris to the <br /> New Brighton drop site. The old Dahlke establishment is being used as the drop site. <br /> . The City Administrator has been informed that the cleanup could take well over two <br /> weeks. <br /> . Karth Lake East neighborhood, all neighborhoods between Lexington and Hamline <br /> Avenue and the Arden Hills Townhome Association are done. <br /> . A cutting crew has started working on the parks and trails systems beginning with <br /> Cummings Park. <br /> . Noted that in August of2000 they did a citywide inventory of parks. Sampson Park had <br /> several very unique trees and it appears that 80 to 90-percent of all of the trees have <br /> been lost in Sampson Park. <br /> . Crepeau Nature Preserve has approximately 22 to 27 trees down. He stated that the trail <br /> cleanup would the next priority for the cleanup process noting that the trees would be <br /> removed safely away from the trails. Any brush or debris will be wood-chipped and <br /> used on the trails or blown back into the woods. The trees will be cleared from the trail <br /> but will be left. The trees will not be removed down to the stump. This will be the <br /> . process for all trails throughout the City. <br />
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