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11-22-05 PTRC Minutes
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
11-22-05 PTRC Minutes
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<br />. <br />. <br /> PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> NOVEMBER 22, 2005 Page 4 of? <br />. trail and automobile traffic increases at this intersection, consideration should be given to <br /> traffic signals appropriate to expected volume. <br /> . Trails should be separated from roadways, at least 8- feet wide, hard surfaced, and designed to <br /> accommodate both pedestrians and bicycles. <br /> . The priorities noted above are the core arteries of the system. Connecting trails should be <br /> added in tbe next phase. <br /> . Trail crossings of major roadways should be grade-separated or controlled by traffic signals. <br /> Council Liaison Larson asked why they did not look at the extension ofthe southerly end of <br /> 'New' Snelling. Committee Member Williams stated that the extension was discussed and it was <br /> agreed that the line should be extended. <br /> Mr. Moore suggested that the Committee think about when and how they would like to present <br /> this to the Council. He stated that this should be presented as it fits in well with the current <br /> budget discussions. <br /> Chair Henry agreed and recommended that they make sure the designs fit with the current <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Committee Member McClung asked if this is a Parks and Trails Vision Statement or a Trails <br /> Vision Statement. He expressed concerns stating that park improvements should be included. <br />. He stated that it is his belief that the PTRC would get more of a buy-in if they were to expand the <br /> vision to include park improvements. <br /> Chair Henry clarified that this is a Parks and Trails Vision Statement that would focus on trail <br /> connections over the next five years. <br /> Committee Member McClung stated that he would prefer a document that includes as much as <br /> possible about both parks and trails. He stated that he likes the idea and framework but would <br /> like to see a broader scope. He suggested that the Committee discuss this further before making <br /> any final decisions. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller assured Committee Member McClung that the vision statement <br /> encompasses both the parks and trails. He explained that the idea is to have a plan that includes <br /> trail connections to existing parks, which would make the connections a part of the park system <br /> as a whole. <br /> Committee Member McClung stated that the Committee should consider other items to include <br /> and suggested breaking the document into two parts: Strategy and Operations. He stated that he <br /> would like to create a vision that includes the Trails and Park priorities. <br /> Committee Member Williams agreed stating that the Vision Statement establishes a context for <br /> trails, parks and any other work for recreational systems. He suggested that the PTRC include <br />. the park proj ects. <br />
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