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CCP 01-05-1998
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<br /> DRAFT <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 8. 1997 2 <br /> various issues related to the strcets included in the Feasibility Report. As a result, Staff is . <br /> recommending a scaled down 1998 street program. <br /> Mr. Gregory Brown, City Engineer, explained that he will be presenting a project overview, <br /> financing, and implementation. He explained that prior to 1995 the City maintained roadways <br /> based upon a comprehensive review and ranking of all City streets based upon its condition of <br /> detcrioration. In 1995, the City and its consulting engineer conducted a pavement condition <br /> survey of all of the streets and also developed a multi-year improvement program. Mr. Brown <br /> explained how the pavement condition ranking is used to determine if and when a street should <br /> be rehabilitated or reconstructed and to develop a five-year plan. <br /> Mr. Brown then displayed pictures depicting asphalt roadways at various levels of deterioration, <br /> base failures, and cross sections for a typical City street. Mr. Brown read a list of streets which <br /> were slated for reconstruction and overlay and explained that due to the high cost over the <br /> budget, only the following streets are recommended to remain in the project scope: <br /> reconstruction of Fairview Avenue, Edgewater Avenue and Stowe Avenue; and overlay of <br /> Edgewater Avenue, Glenpaul Avenue, and Sandeen Road. Staffis recommending the other <br /> streets identified in the Feasibility Report be dropped from the 1998 Street Improvement Project. <br /> Mr. Brown reviewed the estimated project costs and explained that financing will be comprised <br /> of the General Fund, PIR Fund, Surface Water Management Utility, City of New Brighton, and <br /> residential assessments. The assessment rates will be based on the benefit to the property, not the .. <br /> actual cost. The 1997 assessment rates were $37.96 per foot for reconstructed streets and $4.97 <br /> per foot for overlaid streets. He stated the contract would probably be let in February of 1998, <br /> construction started in April or May of 1998, and construction completed in July or August of <br /> 1998. Mr. Brown offered to answer questions, <br /> Mayor Probst explained the issue at this public hearing is whether the project should proceed, not <br /> the costs or level of assessments which will be addressed at a future public hearing (if the project <br /> proceeds). He noted the recommendation of Staff on the number of streets to be included. He <br /> asked if anyone is present from a street that is proposed to be dropped who would like the street <br /> incl uded. <br /> A resident of Hamline Avenue indicated she wants Hamline Avenue to remain dropped from the <br /> 1998 Street Improvement Project. <br /> A resident stated that Indian Place has been dropped from reconstruction but it has not been <br /> sealcoated or overlaid since constructed and should be looked at. <br /> Mayor Probst stated Indian Place was slated for reconstruction but the Council has chosen to not <br /> invest in a lesser irnprovement since it would be needed again in a short time frame. He stated it <br /> will be back on the list as a candidate for next year's project. <br /> Mitch Bendix, 1948 Edgewatcr Avenue, stated he lives on a corner lot that has three big . <br /> evergreens and asked if the City will be improving Prior A venue any time soon. <br /> -------- <br />
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