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<br /> - <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 29.1998 2 <br /> Page 2, fifth paragraph, add the following clarification: <br /> Gregg Larson - 4 votes for appointment . <br /> LoAnn Crepeau - 2 votes for secondary consideration <br /> Lois Rem - I vote for secondary consideration <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Hicks moved and Councilmember Keirn seconded a motion to <br /> approve the June 8, 1998, Regular Council Meeting and the June 15, 1998 <br /> Council Worksession as amended above. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> A. Claims and Payroll <br /> B. Appointment of Anne E. Sorensen, Finance Committee <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Hicks moved and Councilmembcr Keirn seconded a motion to <br /> approve the Consent Calendar as listed above and authorize execution of all <br /> necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Mayor Probst invited those present to come forward and address the Council on any items not <br /> already on the agenda. There were no public comments. . <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Presentation by Mounds View High Scbool Student Council <br /> Mr. Fritsinger explained that last fall there were a number of graffiti incidents along County <br /> Road F which led to the city meeting with the School District and students to discuss issues <br /> related to these incidents. The meetings resulted in productive outcomes. As a result, the School <br /> District has worked with the students who have then worked with residents in that area. He <br /> introduced Saira Alimohamed, Drew McLaughlin, and Robert Grace who were in attendance to <br /> make a presentation to the Council. <br /> Ms. Saira Alimohamcd, Mounds View High School Student Council, thanked the Council for the <br /> opportunity to make this presentation, She explained they have worked hard to resolve the <br /> graffiti issues which occurred over the last one and one half years. <br /> Mr. Robert Grace, Mounds View High School Student Council, stated they and Police Officers <br /> talked to the students as well as the community to address the consequences to those that <br /> perpetrate vandalism. However, they felt it was not enough and felt they should pay the City <br /> back to fix the painted signs. <br /> . <br /> DRAFT COPY - UNAPPROVED <br />