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CCP 02-09-1998
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CCP 02-09-1998
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<br /> Option #3 would be to install temporary control structures (ie., police officer(s) during the A.M. <br /> . and P.M. traffic peaks to direct traffic) at the existing intersection of Round Lake Road and <br /> Highway 96 until the "new alignment" is complete. The Staff would conservatively estimate that <br /> this option would cost $30,000 for two sheriff deputies ($40 per hour per deputy) for five hours <br /> per day for 75 days (from August 3, 1998 to November 13, 1998). The two traffic engineers <br /> (Jim Benshoof-Benshoof and Associates and Tony Heppelmann-BRW) appeared to agree that <br /> this was a viable short term option to resolve this problem. The identification of who would pay <br /> for this was not discussed in any detail, due to the cost estimate was not calculated until after the <br /> meeting. <br /> The Staff has directed BRW to complete additional evaluations of the Phase II, III, and IV <br /> Trame Study (prepared by Benshoof and Associates) which would expand it to incorporate the <br /> data from the Highway10/Highway96 study and future development within the GBO <br /> (Indykiewicz, Morris Communications, and Vaughan). <br /> At this point in time the closing is still scheduled for Friday, February 13, 1998 (Friday the 13th <br /> seemed to be somehow appropriate). The Staff has directed Attorney Filla to have the <br /> documents from Morris Communications available on that date. To which he assured Staff, that <br /> he sees no reason why the documents will not be ready. Welsh Companies is finalizing their <br /> discussions with their tenants and will be prepared to sign the development agreement and close <br /> on that date. <br /> Brian, Terry and myself would conclude that the sale of the bonds should continue towards your <br /> . tentative approval of the "low bidder" on Tuesday, February 17, 1998. The basis for this <br /> conclusion is that the City does not have the ability to intemally finance the necessary <br /> improvements of the Round Lake RoadlHighway 96 intersection, Highway 96 bridge, and <br /> completion of the 14th Street improvements. <br /> Recommendation <br /> In Planning Case 97-06, the Staff would recommend approval of the modification of condition <br /> #1 to "Issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy permits for Phases II, III, and IV is subject to <br /> Welsh Companies agreeing to reimburse the City of Arden Hills for its costs associated with <br /> studying and implementing of temporary control structures which are acceptable to the City of <br /> Arden Hills at the intersection of Round Lake RoadlHighway 96 to facilitate development of <br /> Phases II, III, and IV in 1998". <br /> Notes <br /> 1. Pursuant to Section VIII, D, 6, c, of the Zoning Ordinance, "A vote of at least four-fifths <br /> (4/5) of the full council is required for approval of the Master Plan". <br /> 2. Pursuant to Section VIII, F, 2, of the Zoning Ordinance the PUD approval "... shall <br /> automatically expire and become void one (1) year from the and after the date on which <br /> the council granted such approval if the building permit or other approved improvements <br /> have not been issued a permit by the building inspector...". <br /> . <br />
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