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<br />----- ----------- <br /> ~\ D ;' '\ ~.~: ~:~ <br /> I . .".1 i <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 9 1998 ,,",,,.j-' ;,I -'l. ..,. .. Ii - 8 <br />Dick Zehring, Welsh Development, stated he believe this is good news. He explained the . <br />traffic study indicated that once the stacking and waiting time gets to about 90 seconds, it <br />becomes a "Level F" of service intersection which is inconvenient and starts evasive behavior by <br />motorists. He stated the empirical data will occur at some point in going from the "E" to the "F" <br />level. He stated there will be some flexibility in using the police officer for patrol. He estimated <br />that the occupancy of the Phase II or the Phase III building will result in the need for patrol <br />services. Mr. Zehring stated they are happy to report the project continues to progress and <br />commented that everyone is surprised at the traffic engineer's study. He noted that bringing on <br />Phase III at this time will create more TIF proceeds, about $250,000, which can be underwritten. <br />Mr. Zehring stated it is important to use all deliberate speed to complete the intersection project <br />so the police are not needed any more than necessary. <br />Councilmember Hicks stated the numbers assume the realignment takes place and there are some <br />permanent light fixtures installed by November of 1998. Mr. Ringwald stated this is correct and <br />they hope to start August I to August 15. They plan to install the wear course and signalization <br />prior to the November deadline. Mr. Ringwald indicated he is concerned about obtaining <br />favorable bids. He explained this process cannot start until the bonds are issued. <br />Councilmember Hicks asked if the City will be able to complete acquisition without any major <br />"snags." Mr. Ringwald advised the schedule does include time for some minor "snags" and <br />allows the City to look at various options with regard to acquisition. Also, staff has talked with <br />Ramsey COLmty with regard to their cost participation. <br />Mayor Probst stated he believes, based on conversations, it is likely that Indykiewicz will be . <br />willing sellers and there is no indication they would refuse to sell. Mr. Fritsinger stated staff has <br />held several meetings and the Indykiewiczs have indicated as long as they are treated fairly they <br />have no objection. Mr. Ringwald noted that this property will also involve relocation ofthyir <br />residence and business. <br />Councilmember Hicks stated his concern with this issue. He noted the developer has indicated a <br />willingness to pay for the patrol services with a cap of$30,000. Councilmember Hicks stated <br />based on staff's memo the earliest date to complete construction of the intersection would be <br />OctoberlNovember. He stated he is uneasy about considering an estimate of $30,000. Mr. <br />Ringwald explained staff is still working on this estimate and the rate per hour that would be <br />paid. <br />Mayor P~obst stated he is prepared to support modif} the language as requested and is <br />comfortable directing staff to work with the developer to determine when patrol services are <br />needed. However, he does not support considering a "cap" on the amount which the developer <br />will pay. Mayor Probst stated he believes some traffic management options exist with regard to <br />start and stop times which would lower that cost. <br />Councilmember Malone concurred and commented there may be some low-tech solutions. He <br />asked if the tenants would consider a right turn only, or to stripe Highway 96 east bound for a left <br />lane. Councilmember Malone stated he would support trying those low-tech options first. . <br />