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<br />61.25:::;32662 Sril,c:HOPSE DE3 [ C)~ jEPS F-OC~ T-O~S ?-O~2 FEE 13 '3:3 1.2:2J. <br />. Unique Desi~ ~~(j) III Licensed:, Bonded. lruured <br />. ICCO+ References ~ Sawhorse . Experr Proj.ecr Managerr,er.t <br />. ll)..year Limited '\(';<l-r=ancy . Shov.1'OOm ~ Select <br />. Guanncee:d Price Your' Products <br />. Fmancing Room /\ddi~.1Yr15 . Parches' Decks . Kitchens . 8arJ:s . vuaranceed Com.pletion <br />MN Liceme Z382 Lcwesr Price for Best Value &hdule <br />February 19, t99& krhfJn- (j '~ <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Mr. Kevin Ringwald <br />1450 We.t Highw3Y #96 <br />Ankn Hills, MN 55112 <br />Re; Proposed Kenne<ly Addition <br /> PJ.:mning Case #98-02 <br />Dear Mr. Ringwald, <br />In rosp<l<U<' to your !otter daled 2/131'/8, wbich wc received 2/171'/8. In our professiOtl4! opillion, placing <br />1I1e proposed family rootn addition behind the (... drawing #1) is the most reo.sooabk option for <br />adding the desired living space to the property named above. <br />It is also our opinion the altanative location suggested by your department (see drawing 1f2), .. well as <br />other solution< explOfed during the design ~... while 1I1ey would be in compliance, they would <br /><re3le situations which we feel should be ~d; <br /> 1. The alternative plan c...u:os a narrow tunneling effect that would not be desirable to eithor <br /> neighbor on the north or: our clients. <br /> 2. It would adversely effoct our homeowners and the neighbon lake vioow. <br /> 3. It cre3leS an informal space in . formal part of the home. <br /> 4. It positions living space 10 feet Of closer to their neighbor on the south (as opposed In more <br /> than 35 feet ifI~ t<>the north), also because ofneighhors set badc.s .Ilows for a 10 foot. <br /> or less separation between. .tructun:s as opposed 10 13' 5"_ <br /> 5. It sacrifices a large part of a much valued deck, therefore laking .way outSide space. <br /> 6. Not to affoct 2" floor views - it would need In be a flat roof design which would adversely <br /> affect the ch......... of the home.. well as the neighborhood.. <br /> 7. Lastly, this option woUld cost ~ly 3 times as much <br />In conctiLsion, thi: de<ign as ptoposed by SawhOrse mainwl13 much desired views of the lake, while <br /> outdoor space. Ibm are viewed by our owner and neighbors and kups the greal<sl separat;oo <br />ofliving 'paces from adjacent homes. <br />Sincerely, , <br />Fled Bruning. De:ligner <br />Sawhorse De:ligners &. Builders <br />. <br /> 4740 4Znd Ave N . Robbinsda.\e, MLrm<oota 55422 . (6U) 533-0352 FAX (612)533-2668 <br />