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<br /> ~a, ,Q... ~.o~ <br /> QjX6}1~~f <br /> . Fobn,"," 17. 1 ~n RECEIVED <br /> To' Mavor Probst. C'ouncilmembers Aplikowski. Hicks KeIrn, and Malone rEa 2 0 1998 <br /> From' Jane and Joel Kennedv em Ot A~OO4 rt1US <br /> Sllhjcct. V(lri;mce arr1ic<ltinn for ,-J,(i'5 Siems C'c)ftrt <br /> As YOll (:lce ;)\\-are, we ha\'e requested a \'ari,lOce to the sidt: setback requirement so th:Jt \\e ;:,10 blli1d [In <br /> addltLon<l1 garage stall and a modest living sp:Jce addition onto our Siems Court home 80th Joel ami [ are <br /> long-time Arden Hills residents and enjov th~ ch::w.1cter of the individuZll neighborb11orls We kl\\? \\orked <br /> with Snwhorse Constmctton to develop a plan tor an Zlddition that will adapt our 1 I)";'O'S \.image llome to <br /> the tit~st~.(e of the 90's famil.... while maintaining it's char:.1cter. \Ve feel that the proposed addition will <br /> meet this cnd and \\'111 address the current dnlimlgc isslte between our property and th(lt to the nor1h n~71 <br /> SiclTl.. Comt. \Villic and Jc;-]n Price) <br /> The current gmdc of Otlr lot is significantly higher lIwn lll()t of the neighboring lots i\.fllCh of the \v('tter th* <br /> dr.lins from Otlr lot. dr(1ins not only to\vards the \(lke. but (1lso to the sides tow.rlrds the nci~hhDring homes. <br /> Our prO!Xl.'iect gr;-lding plan willlo\vcr the gmdc f1ronnd the Northwest comer ofollr home (Jnd will Allow <br /> the Wilter from OUf lot to dr;lin towards the o(lck of om lot to\v(lrds the lake This ?TIlde ch:1n~c \vil1 <br /> f<lcilitntc n landsc<lping plan to lllinimi'/c erosion between the two homes <br /> . \Vc h;we discussed our plans with the Prices Their primm;.: concern is the dr(lin(lgc issHe TllCY i1gree ttmt <br /> our plan will address thOlt issue to their satistaction. and \\,'ilL in fact. improve the current drainage condition <br /> signiticantl~. <br /> We are concerned that the planning commission did not recommend approval of the Ii\ing space variance <br /> and suggested an addition on the Southwest side of our home, \Ve feel that this is not an aesthetic311~' <br /> appe.,1ling solution and would detract from the character of the neighborhood, An addition on this side of <br /> our home would place li\ing space next to living space. 11\15 \voutd also reqtllre either a two~stOf:'r' addition <br /> that would oyersbadow the borne on the South (which is ye", close to the lot line), or a Hat roof addition <br /> (which is less desirable) We haye considered manv alternatives to the proposed plan but belieye that titis <br /> plan is the most appropriate option. <br /> \Ve are very excited to begin our home improvement project and hope to crentc a neighborhood friendly <br /> home \-,'here we intend to live for mflny years_ \Vc regret that \Vc will be nn.a\"oidably out of to\vn and w-ill <br /> not be nblc to f1ttcnd the council meeting ,,,,here this v(lrkmce applic(ltion will be discussed. \Ve hflve <br /> revic\.\:cct om concerns nnd issHes with Fred Bnmning from Sawhorse Constmction cmd he will represent <br /> our opinions <H this meeting. <br /> Tlwnk you for yonr considcrntion of our project and attention to onr concerns. <br /> Q~::;;'1 U <br /> ,/ Jane and Joel Kennedy' d <br /> V 3-l65 Siems Court <br /> Arden Hills. /<.IN 55112 <br /> . 1 <br />