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<br /> EXHIBIT A-I <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF INDfJSTRIAL CENTER . <br /> Industrial Multi-Tenant Lease <br /> dated April_, 1998, between <br /> City of Arden Hills ("Lessee"), <br /> and <br /> AMB PROPERTY, L.P. <br /> a Delaware limited partnership <br /> ("Lessor") <br /> ROUND LAKE BUSINESS CENTER <br /> ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> All that part of the following described tract: The Westerly quadrangular part, measuring <br /> 1,71 I fcct on thc North side and 1,768 reet on the South sidc, of the North 20 acres of the South <br /> 50 acres of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 21, Township 30 North, Range 23 West, except the <br /> Westerly 33 feet for Cleveland Avenue; which lies Easterly of a line running parallel with and <br /> distant 166 feet Easterly of the [otlowing described line: Beginning at a point on the Northwest <br /> comer thereof; thence run Southerly at an angle of 86" 46'36" with said North section line <br /> (measured from East to South) for I, I 15.41 feet; thence dellect to the right on a 00 45' curve <br /> (delta angle 70 49' 03") for 1,042.33 feet and therc terminating. <br /> Except all that part of the above described property lying Northerly of the following described <br /> line: <br /> Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Northwest quarter; thence North <br /> along the West line of said Northwest quarter a distance of 825 feet; thence East . <br /> parallel to the North line of said Northwest quarter a distance of 945.10 feet to <br /> the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence continuing East <br /> along said last described parallel line a distance of 765.90 feet and there <br /> terminating. <br /> Subject to easements for power lines. sewer, and gas lines. <br /> . <br /> \\Io(II<'N[.o.I'OUSl...tX.I\SUI'l'ORT'\JlJlDJlTA\A"'9\1l:.-....~U\...G.EEMEN\.o";I~l..t)I,. page 24 <br /> (S:\..uDATA lAMBIGoENERAl.\FOft\lsIREIT-U:-M.OOC) <br />