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<br /> ~(S~ . <br /> emergency rooms which allows the emergency rooms to be better prepared to receive injured J.ccid~rH . <br /> victims. At spill sites, hazardous material information can be obtained "on sit::':" by accessing comput~r daw. <br /> bases throughout the country with a CDMA cellular modem. Motorists who do not have the cellular phones <br /> are benefited by this system. Passing motorists with a phone can place an emergency calL <br /> CDMA Cellular radio transmissions are very safe and pose no health risk. It is really nothtng more than a <br /> digital low pQ\.vcr [INO-way [:ldlo. CD:\fA Cellular uses lo~v power to insure th<:H the sign::d 5:JYS within [he <br /> desigmucd "cel["' so it will not interr"ae with neighboring "cells". The output for pes cellul}[ i_) 40 watts. <br /> Television and ndio st;:1(ion tfJ.nsmitting to\,Vc.:fS can fang~ from 50,000 WJ.([S (0 one: million[S at" powu <br /> output. In fact, the output of a PCS iJntennZl array impacts the: popul:l,[ion at approx.imately h.:dt' [he o'J[put <br /> and Zlssociau.:d absorption rate ot"th~ microwave:: ovcn found in most kitchc::ns. <br /> The question is often asked if the operation of a cellular antennJ. '.vill affc.:ct home radio and lc:kvision <br /> reception. The use.: of the frequency spectrum is tightly controlled by the Feckml CommunlcC\tions <br /> Commission (FCC). The CDl'v1A cellular system is operJ.t~d in the 1900 iYtHz Dnge. Tnis b a higher <br /> fr<::quency on the radio spectfum than home rndio and tek',ilsion frequencies. This is irnportJ.nt b~cJ.use <br /> higher frequency users C:.lnno[ int~rfcre with lower frGquency us~r:). Since 1934, over 15,(0) cellubr <br /> arHenn:1S have ban erected across th~ Unti~d Staces, and th~re have been no documented in5\3.nCeS of <br /> interfc:rence with home entc:rtelinment equipment. Additiona!!y, CDt'1i1A encoding will virtu::dly eliminate <br /> the possibili(y of phone number cloning and cell number theft. <br /> Once again, I ask. to be placed on the next Planning Commission mC':i':ting. I plcm to anend the hearing to <br /> answa any questions or concerns (hJ..t the committee or public may have. <br /> I appreciate the assistance;: hCLVC already received from the Zoning Swff. I look forward to working \-"lith <br /> you to provide CDMA pes cellular capability to your area. <br /> Sincerely, . <br /> /~-)\ \NJ() <br /> ~I, ~ dfJvJr c .~ <br /> Ju ie Townsen-8 <br /> dVEST Commun ications <br /> . <br />