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CCP 05-11-1998
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CCP 05-11-1998
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<br /> o i"", ;: rl~ <br /> . "t(Ar' <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - APRIL 20. 1998 0 <br /> ~ <br /> . It was the consensus of the Couneilmembers that the statement be used as a guideline for staff <br /> and Council for future projects and requests; that "basic" implied water, sewer, police and fire <br /> services, snow plowing, pavement management; and "necessary" related to trail plowing, and <br /> other services provided. <br /> It was the consensus that, while the City historically did things beyond the basic services, it was <br /> prudent to examine the implications of those actions during the planning stages. Mr. Fritsinger <br /> advised that other communities view the City of Arden Hills as operating within the philosophy <br /> statement already as far as the extensive diseussions and research, and cited the ice arena issue as <br /> an example. It was the Council's consensus that while providing quality services, local <br /> government in Arden Hills remain unobtrusive. <br /> Staff was direeted to begin incorporating the philosophy statement in various newsletter and <br /> general publications; use it as a tool in the 1999 budget preparations; and incorporate the <br /> statement as a regular feature of each newsletter. <br /> e. Stuffinl! Evuluution/Restructuring <br /> Mr. Fritsinger presented a flow chart and suggested staff realignments to utilize existing staff and <br /> their strengths, and incorporate additional staff as needed to shift workload responsibilities for <br /> day-to-day and special projects. Mr. Fritsinger suggested the addition of an Assistant to the <br /> . Administrator, with Mr. Ringwald taking that position; and the Community Development <br /> position being taken by Ms. Walsh. Discussions had been held with staff and all were in <br /> agreement with the basic concepts being proposed. <br /> Mr. fritsinger explained the Assistant to the City Administrator position would be for two years, <br /> at which time it would be evaluated for continued use, depending on the status of various special <br /> projects. Mr. fritsinger stated the proposed half-time Building Inspector and Clerk/lntern <br /> positions would be added as demand required. <br /> A concern of Council members was that the City Administrator maintain his direct involvement <br /> with and supervision of staff. Mr. Fritsinger advised Councilmembers that the City <br /> Administrator would continue to oversee all positions and have disciplinary sanction over all <br /> employees. <br /> Under the restructuring, Mr. fritsinger advised that Ms. Walsh would retain the park and trail <br /> development issues for the present. Mr. fritsinger said Ms. Walsh, for the immediate future, <br /> would continue to supervise parks maintenance. <br /> The Planner 1 position proposed would be the only new staff position added at this time, at a <br /> projected salary in the $30,000 - $40,000 range, depending on the pay equity points assigned to <br /> the position. <br /> . Mr. fritsinger advised Councilmembers that there were several variables needing to be refined <br /> regarding the restructuring, those being, budget impacts of positions; Department Secretary <br />
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