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CCP 05-11-1998
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CCP 05-11-1998
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<br /> >-. ...~" A -r <br /> UJ'c ;).~l- ~. <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - APRIL 20 1998 5 <br /> . Specific requested Council action included any issues that needed to be identified as we consider <br /> our response, specifically poliee and fire proteetion; GSA aeceptance of the plan; future <br /> development complying with the Arden Hills zoning and eomprehensive plan update; and any <br /> future construction being approved by the City. <br /> Mr. Post mentioned that in the re-use planning, it was assumed that the City of Arden Hills <br /> would be providing fire and police pro teet ion, but the incremental costs were offset by <br /> development revenues. With retrocession being requested at this time, and no revenue source <br /> identified from development, there is no way to finance these costs. The City should incorporate <br /> these costs into any requests it makes of the Army. <br /> Mr. F ritsinger stated there were two issues related to the Ramsey County Sheriff and <br /> retrocession. The first is possible vandalism as the TCAAP property becomes more accessible to <br /> the public. The Sheriffs department is also interested in obtaining more space to lease for its <br /> operations. <br /> Staff was directed to review the various financial implications and respond accordingly to the <br /> Department of Army and Governor. <br /> c. TCAAP. Water and Sewer System r. <br /> e Mr. Post presented issues related to a request from TCAAP for the City to purchase the existing <br /> water system located on the property. Mr. Post stated Mr. Fix, TCAAP's Environmental <br /> Engineer and Commander's Representative at the facility, indicated they had funds available for <br /> operating costs, but not capital for reconstruction of existing watermains or connection fees to <br /> the City's system. <br /> Discussion items included demolition of officer housing and future development amenities <br /> necessary in the immediate future; possible revenue to be generated; capturing sanitary sewer <br /> revenues currently being billed by the City of Mounds View; the public stigma of tainted water <br /> at TCAAP; significant liability versus potential for future development; maintenanee of the <br /> existing system; need for a decision prior to October I, the end of the federal fiscal year; and <br /> water sales to surrounding communities; <br /> It was the consensus of the Council that the City was interested in obtaining the water supply <br /> system, but the condition of the existing infrastructure was a deterrent. Staff was directed to <br /> further investigate the eost of obtaining, replacing and operating the system; consider installation <br /> of a perimeter run along Highways 96 and 10, with stubs to service existing buildings on the <br /> property; review of the Shoreview agreement to supply water to the state property through their <br /> well system, elevation and frontage road issues in the area; and MCES reimbursement revenue. <br /> , Once these items have been further clarified, the COllncil would then make a decision on how <br /> . they wished to proceed. <br /> -. <br />
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